Chapter 3: News pt.1//edited

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"Insane isn't ridiculous until a sane mind says it is, but a sane mind can't tell if what's ridiculous is insane."



"Hello little brother," Sungyeon noona greets in her British accent, making me mentally roll my eyes.

"Hey Noona, I need you here now. I'm at the hospital--"

"What! Are you okay? What happened!" Her voice falls into her mother tongue too suddenly it startles me too, but I hold it in.

"I will explain to you when you come, I'm going to send you the location. Bye." I hang up.

"Looks like I didn't even have to lie," I snicker, "she is coming." Woohyun chuckles, smacking my shoulder playfully.

"But you already lied, and you'll need to lie more. Take care and fix this as soon as possible." Sungkyu says. I nod at him. As soon as that girl wakes up she will tell us who she is and go back to her family, everything will end then.

A few hours later, I look across the corridor to find Sungyeon Noona running towards me. When she sees us she stops and leans forward to rest her palms on her thighs and catch her breath, then she approaches me to put her hands over my shoulders, "Sungyeol ah, are you okay?" She pants, her face worried and searching.

I feel bad all of a sudden when I see how worked up I got her, and admit to an apology she never gets as I start to explain as clearly as I can what kind of situation I'm in.

"Are you serious? Are you insane?! Oh wait! You are insane!" Sungyeon raises her voice, gaining the attention of people around us.

"Noona, calm down." Woohyun tries calming her while Sungkyu pats her shoulder and holds her still incase she strikes at me any moment.

"Excuse me, you can't be so loud. This is a hospital ma'am," a big guy, likely from the security, says. My sister nods to him with a small bow before he turns away.

"This is ridiculous!" She snaps at me in hisses, waving her hands exasperatedly.

"Just till she wakes up and goes back to her family. Do you think it was the right thing to let her just die?" I try convincing her.

"Lee Sungyeol! We don't even know who she could be and what happened to her!" She argues.

"But..." I stop, rewinding how that fragile body looked, thinking of the amount of pain she went through. She at least deserves a chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. 

"We saw her when she was first brought out of the water," catches the thoughts inside my head.

"We saw how bad her condition was," Woohyun continues. Sungyeon takes a step back in conflict. My sister is a good person, she won't let me down, nor anyone in need, "Okay."

I look up at her in disbelief, "What?" Woohyun mutters.

"I'm Sung yeon, Jihye's temporary mother," she says and I hugged her tightly, so proud of her, Woohyun and Sungkyu laugh in relief behind me.

"Thank you," I whisper in her hair.

"Mom and dad taught us to help those in need, you did the right thing Yeol," she hugs me, patting my back in a hesitant manner. I can tell she's doubting herself just I did back there.

"Excuse me? Sir did you get her guardian? We need the permission to start surgery, the patient needs it urgently. We can't wait any longer." the nurse says. I look at Sungyeon as she steps towards the nurse and talks to her. Another nurse comes in a rush, "we need to start surgery now, her pulse is slowing down. Did her guardian arrive?"

"Go tell them to start." The nurse replies while the other quickly leaves. Sungyeon signs, scanning the notepad quickly, her hand slowly reaches to her mouth, "I'm sorry ma'am."

"W-what happened to her?" Sungyeon asks weakly.

"We don't know, she's in a critical state. There are major injures and broken bones, her head was hit really hard too. And... She was also drowned." the nurse finishes, not meeting our eyes.

"T-thank you," Sungyeon says in a cracked voice. I go to her and pull her to sit her down on a bench, the hyungs follow too, "Why? Why would a little innocent girl experience all this?" She asks, trembling.

"Calm down Noona, she will be okay and return to her family as soon as she wakes up. She is safe now." I say side-hugging her, and rubbing her shoulders with my arm in attempt to warm her body that grew cold.

We sit, waiting. Sungkyu hyung goes to get something for us to drink while I adjusted Noona's sleepy head over my shoulder cautiously not to wake her. "Are you okay?" I ask Woohyun who's seated on the other side of the busy hallway, his face crumbled in worry.

"I don't know what to feel, this is just so... cruel. She looked like she was our age." he ruffles his hair, "I think I need to make a call."

"Go ahead," I say absent minded, I can't think straight either.

"Here," I see a hand grabbing a cup of coffee in front of my face and look up to find Sungkyu hyung faintly smiling down at me. I return the favor and accept the cup of coffee.

Sungkyu sits as Woohyun ends his call and comes sitting beside him before they both start sipping on their hot beverage, I join as well. Noona's phone suddenly rings, making her jolt and take it out. I scan the caller ID subconsciously before she swipes the screen to answer the call.

"Yes mom," I look at her, a little panicked but she nods at me not to worry. She mouthes 'I will take care of this' and walks away, looking for somewhere quieter.

The operation room's door that Jihye was in flashes open and a doctor comes out with some other medical staff following, I abruptly stand up. Woohyun and Sungkyu jump up when they notice as well.

"I need any of Ms. Jihye's family please," he says looking around.

"I am her family." I reply in a beat.

He nods slowly, "can I talk to you, privately?"


What do you think so far?
Hope you are having fun!
This is just the start, I'm sorry I'm taking this slow.
Look forward, more is to happen. Much more.

Thank you for reading~
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P.s. Cool date complication ryt? I just had to update today for this xD
it looks so cool.

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