Chapter 14: Transferee

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Chapter 14: Transferee

"Pristine is never a status for eternity. Anything gets old gradually, new people aren't new forever." 



I breathe out, I didn't know I was holding my breath even. When I slump down back on my chair, I realize how hard it was. I'm going to leave soon, it will be alright.

Although I say that to myself constantly, I don't know when soon actually is.

Looking around the empty classroom, I pass my fingers between my hair and groan in frustration. I want to just cry right there and then, but this isn't right. I bite my lips and frown before creek of the door jolts me in alarm.

Janna walks in, head down and sits next to me and takes out a paper sandwich bag containing two brow toast slices. When I saw her walking, I note the short height she owned, her hair is brown and tied in a low bun at the nape of her neck.

Some strands were left out, framing her face and showing off her light brown eyes. After moments of silence, I figure she isn't the person to talk- or talk first that is.

So I take it as my cue to break the silence, "why aren't you eating at the cafeteria?" I ask, absentmindedly.

"I don't like to, noisy and crowded."

As simple as that, her reply is straight and as close to logic as you please. She is tremendously convinced by her personal preference. I couldn't judge, it is my first day and I don't actually know what the school is like in the first place.

I nod then drag a conversation about the studies in this school, what I should do and what I shouldn't. She was quite helpful, yet only giving out replies equivalent to the question asked and never talking too much.

By the time she is done with her toast slices, which she ate in a weird way- or I'd rather say unique in which instead of biting off the slice of bread she would tear a part squeezing it between her small fingers before eating it.

The fact that it was plain bread she was eating was atypical enough, maybe it's because she is dieting? Rational enough, I shrug the matter off along with the fact that she certainly doesn't need to diet.

The students start coming back after the bells go off, I dip my head down and fiddle with my notebook. I hear Sungyeol's group chatter, they are here.

I keep my head down and feel my body tense, whenever he was around I felt like a burden. Unwanted, hated. It made my heart ache with painful sickness down in my gut.

He passes from beside me as if I was thin air, paper on the floor, garbage. I take a deep breath and look up, my hair efficiently hides my face from his view and that makes me feel slightly better.

As I wait for the next teacher to come in, Janna does the same with her books neatly set on her desk, I hear a knock over my desk making me swipe my head to my left.

"Hey, welcome. I'm Woohyun, Nam Woohyun. I sit right there, friends?"

So quick, confident and straight, his words even hold a hint of cheesiness. I look up at him and frown, he had a dazzling smile over his face as if trained for everyone in this world just to make them feel better.

Still, I can't ignore the fact that he is Sungyeol's seat mate. Talking to him meant getting associated with Sungyeol's business, it is against my promise. 

"Dumb," my heart falls in my gut when I hear someone saying from behind Woohyun, "you are scaring her off! You can't just be like friends? When it's her first day!" I sigh when I realize the insult wasn't meant for me, Woohyun is pushed to the side by another handsome boy, one of the six boys who walked with Sungyeol as well.

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