Chapter 19: Complaints

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"A side love story is similar to our lives, where there is no main.
When it doesn't come to a canvas or a novel, when there are no frames or pages to limit what can be seen, we are all main characters of our own stories. The bystander is a victim or assailant in another picture."



After an hour Sungyeol and I were done with planing for our project, we had our topic ready and we're almost done with preparing our content. With my pencil in hand, I read through the lines of the textbook on the table occasionally underlining what seemed important.

A heavyweight on my right shoulder makes the pencil slip out of my hand, I turn to Sungyeol's sleepy head leaning on me. I smile to myself and turn to him, holding his head between my palms gently so he won't wake up. With my fingers between his soft black hair, I laid his head on my lap while his long lean body lied on the carpet we sat on.

I played with the short strands of hair that came on his face, realizing that I like to watch him sleep and shaking my head at the creepy thought.

I turned around slowly, not moving my lower body and got a cushion from over the sofa, and moved to lay his head on it. One thing I knew about Sungyeol is that he likes coffee a lot, coke too. I made us coffee a while ago. How can he fall asleep?

His reaction was so funny and sweet, first, he furrowed his eyebrows, "you made this?" He asked. I nod my head and sit beside him, taking a sip of my coffee. I licked the foam off my upper lip and nodded at the satiating taste.

I looked back at Sungyeol to see him snapping his head away from me to the coffee mug. I smiled and waited for him to taste it, when he did all I got was a subtle nod.

I sighed, feeling content at the brief gesture and went back to work while he shortly joined with short remarks and opinions. He's smart, not bad at all. I turn to my book and to continue my work. A loud intake of breath made me turn to Sungyeol again and giggle softly, the doorbell rang and I jumped up, jogging to it.

I looked at the intercom screen and saw Sungyeon smiling at me. She had the key and she knew the code yet she always rings the bell for me to open the door for her, when I asked her what was that about she told me words I seem to always remember.

"Someone opening the door for you feels different, it's like they were waiting for you all along. Making you feel wanted."

I smile and breathe out before opening the door for her, "Hello!" she greets in a happy tone, I nod to her.

"How was your day?" I ask, taking her bag and putting it on the couch. She looks around and spots Sungyeol before giving me a pointed look. I shrug, "we had a project to prepare for, we just finished a while ago, and he kind of passed out."

She nods, giggling, "so like him, but his brain works well right? I mean although he's the laziest student ever he still isn't that dumb."

His brain works well right? I took a moment rethinking the phrase, who says that? It's liking asking if a car's air conditioner works well, or not. I shook my head, sighed, then nodded.

"Hey, don't give me that," she pokes my shoulder.

"Give you what?" I laugh, knowing she referred to my dismissive manner.

"That," she mimics my shake-sigh-nod as her hair moves all over the place and I laugh.

"How was your day at that fashion academy? I don't see why you take those courses though, Eonnie."

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