Chapter 15: My Savior

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Chapter 15: My Savior

"Surrendering isn't an act of cowardice, surrender is devotion. So next time you smile, remember that you're surrendering to happiness."



Should I let it go and leave it to him?

No, it's a game. Keep it fair and square. I turn around and pass from under his arm, which is easier than I thought it to be because of how tall he is. I jump as high as I could and aim a clear shot.

Strike! I fist bump the air, unconsciously. When I notice what I'm doing, I frown and almost topple face first on the floor when my team mates come hugging me.

"Good job!" Dongwoo laughs, a look of happiness and content on his face as I nod back and return the favor.

"That was some good show." Myungsoo praises, his voice coming out deeper as his hands marvel a clap.

"I'm astonished!" Howonexaggerates astonishment and I feel the warmth of my face.

"Thank you." I mutter and turn around and to notice the same girl from earlier still eyeing me, her eyes read anger, hatred, rage, and fire- bad, promising fire. Puzzled, I shake my head and convince myself that nothing is wrong because I, in fact, never spoke to her before.

At least I think I didn't.

The game goes on, running, passing, bouncing, and scoring. Our team wins with a four to three, and I win many hugs too. Dongwoo, Howon, Myungsoo and even Sungjong give the occasional at the moment hugs that feel overwhelmingly flattering. I change out of the sports shorts and put on my uniform, Janna and I play around in the changing room for a while which explains my formerly loose hair tied in a low bun again, but this time disturbingly similar to Janna's.

"Copycat." she mocks.

"Not, I'm helping you look better. You seriously need to put that brown hair in something other than a low bun, who even does that?" I remark brushing the stray hair strands that fell over the sides of my face.

"Curl your eyelashes," Janna says looking at the mirror with her fingers, literally, brushing her eyelashes up, "Trust me, it makes a difference."

"Yeah right." I laugh but do it anyway. Turns out she is right, the bells fill the room and we jog to class. Last class passes by in a blur of exchanging notes with Janna and brief smilie faces between me and infinite, excluding Sungyeol.

They can do music, you know. I read Janna's neat handwriting.

How is that? They can't be that perfect. My reply makes her purse her lips and nod desperately.

I seem to develop a constant feeling that I'm being watched and the fact that it's irrational for a random klutz like myself to gain stalkers on the first day of school doesn't help.

So, I must be mistaken. The teacher turns to write something over the board and I take that chance to confirm, my heart hammers in my rib cage when I see Sungkyu seated on the far right back corner with his eyes staring at me. He doesn't even bother to look away.

We share brief eye contact and the bells pick that time to go off. Relief washes over me and I start collecting my things while the teacher blurts some last words and retreats.

Janna is long done with her bag while I am still packing mine, "I need to go to my locker." I muse.

"Seriously? I will miss my bus dude, hurry!" She hisses so she won't attract the attention of the couple of students left in class.

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