Chapter 18: First Chance

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"Death knows it's painful for the living to admit that it makes life matter more. But the dark was a constant supporter all along, it didn't end anything. Light was the one who chose to leave. And if light was a guy and darkness was a girl, then he's just another him who leaves a her behind."



It's awkward, so awkward.

That was it, the understatement of the year! I shove a spoon of rice into my mouth and keep my eyes glued to the food over the table, not my eating companion.

How I wish Sungyeol would do the same, I check if there was food on my face for the umpteenth time, my hair was in a simple loose ponytail. All in all there was nothing to explain why he won't stop looking at me.

He's barely eating, it's not that I'm an expert profiler but when it comes to a meal it's obvious who's sitting to eat and who's doing nothing but staring at people. I hate those people.

As much as I wanted to just crawl in my bed, away from his intimidating gaze, I couldn't get myself to leave when I'm hungry. It's my stomach, and she won't back down because someone doesn't know how to have a mean with someone. I made a mental dance when I was done and looked up at him and he wasn't eating again, "Are you done?" I'm not sure if I meant it but my voice comes out chipped.


Too much for a reply, I sigh lightly. I'm not complaining. I take all the dishes to the sink and wash them quickly, I never felt comfortable around my savior before.

My savior. I came to a conclusion that he's worthy of the title, no matter how much we don't get along I still owe him my life..."Thank you." the words leave my lips in another sigh and I shock myself.

"For what?" It's too late to back out because he catches what I said and replies. I dry my hands and turn around to look at him. I should just carry on.

"For saving me, Sungyeol." May as well say it once and for all.

He shifts on his feet. He looked so adorable, his cheeks had a light tint of pink to them and I was sure I'm seeing things. It had to be the weather, he's pale enough.


The weekend goes by, Sungyeon forcing me to go shopping with her and getting me a phone would be the most eventful. Me sleeping and eating, also slacking on homework and studies till Sunday would be the best.

Not seeing Daeyeol even once because had exams coming up would be the worst. I feel bad for him. Although we have exams coming up as well, it's different when someone else is suffering through the misery. I told Sungyeon to stop by a bakery so I could get Daeyeol a muffin to boost his mood for his exams, I saw a delicious chocolate cake and got four pieces for Janna, Zoha, Daeyoon, and me.

"Daeyeol!" I shout when I spot him walking beside his brother. He turns to me and I take his muffin out of the box, "got you this," I push my hand towards him, "you can ace those exams! Believe in yourself, if not believe in the muffin." I joke lamely.

When he laughs, I feel very glad. My eyes lock with Sungyeol for a while but Daeyeol's hug breaks it off, "I got two Noonas now, feels refreshing! Thank you Jihye."

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