Chapter 8: Today

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Chapter 8: Today

"An awaited day could be of death or revival, of happiness or agony. But when it comes to be called today, relief is part of the equation."


One Month Later

The girl given the temporary name, Jihye, lies unconscious still. Sungyeol questions himself why would his family take care or her and stick by her side till now when she's no more than some unknown girl he happened to save coincidently, on impulse.

She still didn't wake up, and the fact made him feel impatient but at the same time he couldn't take any of this out to anyone. He couldn't say he's sick of it, sick of her. She took away his sister's time and attention and all his family along.

Not only does he think she's a burden, but an unwanted intruder as well. Sungyeon, on the contrary, starts feeling more attached to Jihye, taking care of her became a habit, how not when she was registered as the mother she always wished to be.

Sungyeon spoke to Jihye often, even when she wasn't heard, she still spoke. She told her about her life in England and why she's still not married. She confessed that she is sterile, she told the story behind her break up and opened herself wholeheartedly to Jihye.

At one point, Sungyeon admitted to herself that having a daughter, even if temporarily, was what she always wanted. She grew to wish for Jihye to wake up soon, but a thought at the back of her mind made her wish otherwise at sometimes. She feared that when Jihye wakes up, she'll just leave like her ex did. She was being possessive over something that wasn't hers to begin with.

Daeyeol felt his sister's happiness with Jihye, he sees her talk much more than before. He never saw her say what's bottled inside her since the day of her break up. He is grateful just like his parents who also visited often unlike Sungyeol who didn't visit much, if not ever.

His cold side is making yet another appearance. He is a lighthearted boy who makes many people smile because his his charm and humor, normally, but he doesn't give into people quickly. He doesn't trust enough and acts cold towards most of them. Getting on his bad side from the start is the first problem Jihye will be facing.

Today is weekend, all families are hanging out together and the Lee is too, they head to a restaurant for a quiet relaxing family dinner.

The table is decorated with the father's constant talks about his goals and accomplishments, a few jokes from both boys here and there while the mother nods lovingly.

Sungyeon's phone rings, disturbing the atmosphere of the quiet, fancy restaurant. She hastily wipes her mouth and excuses herself to answer the call.

It's the hospital's number. This is urgent, she immediately swipes her screen. "Hello?"

"Good evening, this is Seoul Medical Center, is Lee Sungyeon with me?"

Sungyeon nods at first but quickly opens her mouth to answer, "Yes, yes. This is Lee Sungyeon."

"Your daughter just woke up." Sungyeon's head shots up at the words she hears, many different emotions fill her all at once: happy, sad, excited, nervous and scared, "she woke up and the doctor interrogated her simply. She answered that she's seventeen, the replay was so automatic as the doctor assumes. After that she got a panic attack and fainted, she just woke up again minutes ago. We don't want to stress her out, you should be here before we interrogate her again."

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