Chapter 13: First Promise

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Chapter 13: First Promise

"First lie, by a side. First promise, by the other. Everything changes."



I count the days, forty-five. I never saw anyone other than Sungyeon albeit occasionally I would see Daeyeol and his parents but never outside the apartment.

I can walk well now, other than faint pain when I work up my body, I feel totally healed. One step to growing independent of the Lee family that took me in wholeheartedly.

Meals with Sungyeon are often filled with light chatter, she is like my best friend now, and I'm massively thankful for everything. She did keep her word when she said that she will fill my closet, her sense of fashion doesn't fail to impress me, ever. Daeyeol is a second best friend, such a contagious happy soul; all bubbly and joyful. Absolutely love him. It feels new, as if I've been wanting a younger brother to call me Noona my whole life.

Sungyeol? Hm, he never came after that day. I totally understand, I don't blame him at all. I will leave as soon as I'm able to. I'm determined to, after all I promised.

"How come you don't go to school? Oh my, that hadn't crossed my mind in a whole month and a half!" Sungyeon announces slamming her chopsticks over the table.

Uh-uh, "You don't need to-"

"My brothers' school isn't far from here! And you are Sungyeol's age anyway right? And we have all the papers ready!" She muses, loudly.

"Um, Sungyeon, you don't need to bother about-"

She eyes me at that. "You are missing a year! A high school year, no no. Not happening on my watch." After that it was like she didn't even hear me, she had it set in her mind. When Sungyeon wants to do something, no one can stop her.

And that is how a week later, I wake up on an early Monday morning, staring at a school uniform that hangs over the knob of my closet door.

"If you don't go to school, I will be deeply hurt. Please Jihye!" I rewind the scene with Sungyeon's pleading eyes, a groan of defeat and I'm off the bed and into my bathroom getting ready for school.

I am going to be a pain in the neck for Sungyeol, he made it crystal clear that I'm not welcomed in his world yet here I am intruding in every way possible.

The promise I've made to myself is never forgotten, and I'm not giving up. I get visions when I sleep, they must mean something. They're too real to be mere dreams, or maybe they are? But I rarely remember any when I wake up.

The worst thing, even if I remember I never remember faces or names. They would be all blurred and unclear, "Are you ready?" Sungyeon peeks into my room, "so cute!" She squeals looking me up and down.

I nod in gratitude and she takes my bag and pulls me out of the apartment, "I'm so excited!" She squeals turning on her car engine.

The ride there is filled with Sungyeon talking excitedly, for a second I thought that she is the one going to school, "So, Jihye. How good are you at school work?" her slender arms clutch the the steering wheel as she asks whilst making a turn.

The question is weird, well not the question itself but the fact I couldn't answer. "I don't know, how bad could I get?" I laugh.

"You look smart, I'm sure you are an elite even. Anyway, Sungyeol isn't that good. You could help him out sometime."

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