Chapter 9: Forget

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V.I Author note

Okay, to be mega honest I cursed myself hundreds of times while editing this book. Let's take a look at how my mental state was? Here, a conversation between me and myself.

Me: This book, technically, has the best plot I ever came up with. I have a lot planned.

Editor: But it needs to be written well, which is the hard part. And you're totally ruining it.

Me: But I thought I was doing fine-

Editor: No, just no.
Look at your cast. Sungyeon, and Soyoon? Seriously, why so similar? Can't you get other names? Sungyeon and Sungyeol because we need similar names for siblings(Korean thing) but why Soyoon?

Yeah, that was practically how it went but of course I cut off many curses and names.

It was much more colorful :)

Now, for the aftermath aka changes
I changed the name,
Soyoon to Jihye

I decided to put Quotes of my own at the begging of each chapter, yup, you guessed it; the quote will be related to the contents of the chapter!

I own all the quotes unless otherwise stated, any similarities are purely coincidental.

Now enough with the rant and here goes chapter 9! Enjoy.


Chapter 9: Forget

"Forgetting is one way we deal with pain, but we always miss the fact that it's still there waiting for the best chance to revive itself."



I felt the sun rays over my eyelids and grimace at my drained limbs. I tried to move my arms but felt pain radiate through my whole body. Something was under my head, I slowly moved my hand up and winced at the uncomfort.

My hands made contact with my head, it was wrapped with a big thick white bandage. What is going on?

I opened my eyes, meeting a white unfamiliar ceiling. I slowly sat up on the bed, looking around.

Where am I?

I felt something irritating connected to my hand, it caused me pain. So I instantly pulled it off. Pain. Pain. Pain. It came again, stronger.

The door of the room slammed open and a doctor and nurses came in,
"She is awake!"

All of them started walking to me and I felt myself crawl back into the bed till my back hit the headset. I winced when I felt the contract, even this hurts.

What's happening to me?

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked.

I was in a hospital room. Why? I looked around trying to remember anything, but my attention was distracted by the doctor's question.

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