Chapter 17: Denial

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"The denial that doesn't hurt anyone, is it the same denial that makes people keep up with toxic relationships... or injustice against their part? So does that denial really not hurt anyone... because we overlook ourselves like we don't count? A bit of denial is a bit more justification and a bit more pain. A bit on another bit becomes so much more, till the disaster just can't be undone."



He's cute to the point he's irresistible. The very Sungkyu who sits at the back, right corner of class, the guy who helped me yesterday was now convincing Janna and I to join him and his friends for lunch. It meant joining infinite, a unit including Sungyeol. And that goes against my promise, I can't go--

"Don't worry about Sungyeol, Jihye. I will take care of it." He tries getting rid of my reluctance and it strangely works. Either because of his cute face, or how convincing and easing he sounds; it works.

Although I know Janna is totally opposing without her uttering a single word, it feels too hard to turn down the offer

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Although I know Janna is totally opposing without her uttering a single word, it feels too hard to turn down the offer. "Sure."

Janna snaps her head up at my reply, well in my defense she is too shy to even look at the faces he'd been pulling all along. Sungkyu leads the way down the hallway while I talk to Janna in a hushed voice, "come on! We won't die, not today!" I try easing her. She already has no choice, but I need to stay on her good side.

"I hate you." is all she says, and it's barely audible. Given I only knew her for two days I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not.

"Come on, you mad?" I ask tugging on her sleeve and looking down at her, she barely reaches my shoulder. I'm the taller one.

"I'm not, but it's your last chance. I'll let it pass, just this once."

"Sure, I won't." and we are good again, conversing about Yeron's cronies. It turns out the girl who seemed to stare at me as if we were long lived enemies was Yeron. And her cronies were the pretty girls. I get my fair share of information about her from Zoha who sits to my left side, which puts her a seat in front of Sungyeol.

Zoha told me that Yeron's a transferee who came about five weeks ago, she became an alpha of a group similar to the plastic girls and claimed Sungyeol as hers. Which led to all the rest of the girls who were all over infinite keep safe distance from him. If I was as close to Sungyeol as Daeyeol I would've told him that it's because he grew white hair and laugh my feet off at his reaction, which I assume would be priceless.

But hey, he hates my guts. Cool right? I make brief eye contact with Sungyeol, but he's already looking. Sungkyu leads us over to the table Sungyeol is on and we sit with him, on the table are two food trays all readily set.

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