Chapter 6: Room 217//edited

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"Reasons are all it takes to love something, or to hate it, but reasons are often mixed up with excuses that blind our true feelings."



"Mom, this room." Sungyeon walked a few steps ahead, almost seeming eager to show Jihye to mom.

"Why did I come again? Weren't you and mom enough?" I ask Sungyeon when I stride to catch her step.

"Because you should come, what were you going to do anyway? Daeyeol went to school with his friends for some assignments."

"I would've slept." I deadpan and earn a smack on the head from my mom "Mom! What was that for?" I complain, exaggerating the pain a few bits as I hold my head.

"For being so careless! Don't you dare leave the city alone again! I'm going to let it go this time for this girl's sake!"

This girl is changing things in my life and she didn't even wake up, I found it funny for some reason. But what happened to her, and why? I can't wait for her to wake up and answer all the questions. Room 217 is in sight soon enough and there is her name beside the digits, Kim Jihye. I only felt my fists  tighten when my nails pressed too hard into my skin. She used his surname. I don't want to talk to her about it, this is long overdue for words to even matter.

Mom went in first as Sungyeon held the door open for her, I followed behind. The girl looked as lifeless as ever, but at least now she looked clean and restful. I pitied her.

Mom's eyes teared up a little and I felt sick in the heart, I couldn't feel all what mom was feeling. The worry, the sadness, the hopes, all these things felt alien. But then there was the pity at the end, the one I could relate to, "Don't worry Eomma, we will take care of her till she wakes up and goes back to her family." Sungyeon comforts my mom's tense shoulders.


I turn around to find all the six of my friends waving at us, I nod to them smiling faintly before Sungjong comes to stand beside me with his elbow on my shoulder

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I turn around to find all the six of my friends waving at us, I nod to them smiling faintly before Sungjong comes to stand beside me with his elbow on my shoulder. Sungyeon smiles at them and welcomes them in, although they were coming in anyway.

"How is she?" Myungsoo asks, I shrug looking at the occupied bed.

"Is everything okay with your parents?" Woohyun follows.

"My dad isn't back from his business trip yet, well mom," I stop, pointing to my red ear. Dongwoo laughs loudly from behind that I almost turn to check if that woke the girl up, damn he is listening too? Oh wait they all are.

Hoya was holding his laughter back but when Sungkyu hyung laughed they all joined, Sungyeon too

"Not funny." I roll my eyes.

"Looks like it is," mom retorts harshly, yeah right. I am about to tell her that they all sneaked out too when a cheery voice interrupts.

"Hyung! I'm here!" Daeyeol comes in with his backbag and all, "I came back here from school, Is the she okay?"

Just what I needed. I grit my teeth.


We stayed with the girl for a couple of hours before we went back home, but Sungyeon and Daeyeol stayed behind. She seemed really serious about that girl's issue, well I missed her here somehow. It's not like she stays with us forever, and now Jihye is taking all her time. Daeyeol said he has things to talk about with Noona. Such a big baby.

"Come on Sungyeol, go get the groceries. Your dad is coming back tonight." Mom says from the kitchen. I didn't get up for a while, flipping through TV channels, definitely can't get anymore boring.

I get hit on my back and groan, looking behind to shoot daggers at the culprit. I couldn't exactly do that because I figured it was my dear mother, "what was that for now?!"

"Go get the groceries now!" She demands, I turn around again and and roll my eyes when she can't see my face. Another smack over my arm and my mom says, "I saw that!"

I look around to find my reflection crystal clear on the TV screen. Fail. Mom shakes her head at me, how did I miss that? I get off the couch anyway and stand beside her.

I open my palm towards her and smile widely, "Money? And transportation charges please."

She scoffs because she knows I have my own money, but I won't be spending it on groceries. "Here," she hands me the money, "and that." she hands me the list of groceries she needs, "Don't be late!"

I nod and walk to the door, pull on my shoes before going out. I was too lazy and bored, I took out my phone and called Sungjong. "Hey hyung," he answers, and I smirked to myself. He will be my lackey for today.

"Hey, meet me at the supermarket near my house. See you!" I hang up before he could reply.

I arrive to find Sungjong already there, "Hey hyung, what did you need?" He asks, trying to escape as soon as possible

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I arrive to find Sungjong already there, "Hey hyung, what did you need?" He asks, trying to escape as soon as possible.

"Here," I handed him the list.

"Come on hyung! No, okay? It's none of my business. You should do this!" he refuses, and attempts to walk past me, I grip his shirt and pull him back.

"Listen to your hyung Jong, let's go now." I say and drag him behind anyway. I managed to pass a few levels on this game I downloaded, and Sungjong managed the list of groceries my mom wants. I kept a watch on him once in a while to make sure he won't run away. When we were done and heading to the cashier, I was concentrated on my game. I can't lose now.

"Hey Oppa!"

I lost anyway, the startle having less to do with it than the excessively high pitched voice I just heard. 


Guess how I got the room's number, this story relates to water (H2O) and I do hate chemistry but that just came to my mind.

2 Hydrogen: 2
1 oxygen: 1
Infinite members: 7

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