Chapter 5: Confrontation//edited

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"Some people avoid it, and others fear it. But just like an egg cracks open thousands years later, confrontation can only be delayed till it comes anyway."



I stand across Jihye in the capital's hospital, "Yeol, we need to go back home. I mean, you need to go back home. Mom is worried, I have no more excuses to tell her." Sungyeon says from beside me.

"I will stay with her for today, I told mom that I'm staying at my apartment so it will be okay." She steps closer, "you should go back home now. Here, take a cab." She says and hands me some cash.

"How are you going to get home?"

"I called Sungkyu and told him to get me the car here tomorrow morning," she says smiling faintly at me. "Now go!" I am waved off without a chance to negotiate.

"See you." I say and leave the hospital with a heavy heart, that was one long day. When I reach home, I pay the taxi fare and head towards the porch, ringing the bell while taking a deep breath. I wasn't ready at all for mom's questions, I just felt so tired and exhausted so I racked my brain for a way out of this confrontation.

"Sungyeol!" Daeyeol opens the door rashly and shouts, "Mom! He is here!" I go in, pushing him out of the way nonchalantly, "Wait hyung! What happened, Are you okay?"

I shake my head at him dismissively. "My son! Oh my, where were you?" Mom comes hurriedly.

"I'm okay mom, sorry for worrying you." I say hugging her and kissing her forehead, trying to make her soften so she won't ask any questions.

Not knowing how to tell her about what happened today, I decide that I'm going to leave that for Sungyeon to take care of. "I feel so tired mom, see you tomorrow."

"Ya! Hyung!" I hear DaeYeol calling but I just ignore him and shut my door.


The sun rays were piercing through my windows, making it really hard to sleep. I hear my room's door open disturbingly and I groan. "Ya hyung! You need to wake up. Mom and Sungyeon need you downstairs! Come on! Wake up!" Daeyeol shouts, opening the glass window, allowing more light into my room.


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I curse internally and groan again before getting up. "Get out of my room now before I open my eyes Daeyeol, for your own good." I warn him and sit up on my bed with my eyes closed.

"Oops, okay. Sungyeon and mom need you! Seems urgent!"

Urgent? Mom and Sungyeon?

It all hit me at once, I seemed to have forgotten about the whole thing from yesterday. I quickly got up, taking my clothes and rushing to the bathroom.

I finished and took a towel to dry my wet hair on the way down, and only stopped with the towel in my hand as I massaged it over my head to listen in on what they're saying so I can plan my entrance, "Eomma, please understand

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I finished and took a towel to dry my wet hair on the way down, and only stopped with the towel in my hand as I massaged it over my head to listen in on what they're saying so I can plan my entrance, "Eomma, please understand. Sungyeol sneaking out isn't the problem now. Actually I feel grateful for that--"

"Sungyeon ah! He is wrong! What are you grateful for? He's supposed to get punished!"

"No mom, listen. If he didn't go they wouldn't have found that girl! They saved a soul!" My heart raced faster at that. I mentally defined they to myself, if Sungyeon or mom knew that all the seven of us were there, their parents will definitely know too since they are pretty close. That only means mega disaster, massive trouble.

I decide to go in just then, I will use my charm and she will let it go. She always does. "Good morning," I say, heading to the fridge to get water. Without any warnings I am pulled from my ear. I bend down as mom pinches my ear, pulling me to where Sungyeon was sitting.

"Ah ah ah, Eomma! Let me go! It hurts!" I tried unclasping her fingers from my ear but with how my back hurts from bending like this to mom's height it was too hard to succeed.

"How dare you sneak out again! You lied to me, your mother! Going to do language project in Howon's house you say? I knew there was something behind this since his parents are out of the country!"

I started cursing everyone I know under my breath, my ear is probably so red by now! "Mom, listen! I was alone with Sungkyu hyung and Woohyun hyung. The rest didn't come. We just wanted to get some fresh air!" I started defending myself. That's how loyal I am to my friends, doesn't change the fact they are a group of bastards.

"Mom! They saved someone! At least take it easy on him for that! The girl looked so fragile- I can't even tell you what happened to her, it's too heartbreaking." Sungyeon says as her eyes start to sparkle again. I feel mom's grip loosen on my ear, I took the chance and pulled her hands away and ran to stand behind Sungyeon.

"I'm sorry!" I used Sungyeon as a shield, not that she could save me with how short she is, but she could be very handy when it comes to mom.

"Mom, you need to come visit Jihye--" Sungyeon was cut by mom's high noted question.

"You even got the girl a name! Let me guess you registered yourself as her mother?" Sungyeon took a step back holding onto me now and rounded her eyes. Cool, my mom is a psychic.

"No, you didn't." mom whispered, Noona nodded to her still in her shock-phase while mom face palmed. "Impossible, I can't believe this." mom whispers to herself.

"Mom, I think you should come and visit the girl. I didn't understand any of this as well, but I'm sure we did the right thing. She isn't waking up in weeks the doctor said so I'm going to take care of her till then. Please mom, support my decision." Sungyeon says walking closer to mom, "would you come with me?" She pleads.

"Okay," mom reluctantly gave in while I stand before these two in utter shock.  It just happened. Mom was convinced! My sister is an undercover mutant, right? You never know.


By the way, the multimedia attached is really Daeyeol, most inspirits know I'm pretty sure but just in case-- ;)

Woop woop, another update~
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