Chapter 4: News pt.2//edited

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"Almost is a word that could change a lot, one was almost dead, but still alive. Another has almost fell in love, but refused to admit it."



I left the doctor's office unsteady as the doctor's words kept rewinding in my head like a film replaying itself again and again.

I wanted it to stop, but it kept going on and on, taking away from my sanity every time. She was almost dead.

"I don't think it would be good for the mother to know about the girl's condition, yet

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"I don't think it would be good for the mother to know about the girl's condition, yet." the doctor started as he took a seat on the chair behind his desk while I sat opposite to him.

"How is she?" I asked, curiously.

The doctor diverted his eyes away from me. Going through some papers, he took out a fairly big semi-transparent black sheet and hung it across a white lighting board.

"Mr... Lee," he said after looking at some papers probably where my name was written "you see this," I nodded to him when he referred to the X-Ray sheets. "These are for Ms. Jihye's skull." he informed, "She received several hits on sensitive spots." he got a lengthy thin stick pointing it to certain parts on the X-ray sheet.

He then went back to his desk taking more sheets and hanging them beside the first, "other than the most affected part of her body which was her head, there are other major injuries." He said. "Broken bones; both her arms, one shoulder, three ribs, and one leg as well," he said. I gulped.

"Her body is bruised in several parts like near her ribs and stomach," he breathed, "We are done with the surgery and the needed stitching along with all the possible treatments. All we can do now is wait."

"Her state is still unstable, she will need to stay in the hospital for several weeks till she wakes up. And you need to reach to the police to start investigating--"

"As you said she is still so weak and unstable, we don't want to disturb her." Police? We don't even know her name.

"Doctor," I called and the doctor turned to me. "Can we move her to another hospital? We don't live in this area, can she be moved to Seoul?" I ask.

"There won't be a problem as long as she gets safely transported, in matter of fact the capital city hospitals are much more better than here."

"Sungyeol!" I snap out when I hear Woohyun calling me.

"Eo?" I reply.

"Yeol, Mom said we should go back, it's late." Noona says, "what about Jihye? Did the doctor tell you anything?"

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