Chapter 4 - Reunited

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I woke up happy, for once in my life. I was finally moving forward! But nothing with Ian changed, and that part of my body was still going through depression. I walked into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror, although my body shape hasn't changed much, I didn't have dark circles under my eyes, and my eyes weren't red from crying. My cuts were starting to heal, and my hair wasn't in knots. I jumped into the shower and started to sing.

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess

'Til all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that will light those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

I wanted to tell Ian so badly! I just wanted to shout it to the world. "IAN HECOX! I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU!". I thought in my head. That's what I wanted to scream, but I didn't. I finished washing up and I got out. I dried and put some clothes on, I grabbed a pair of jeans and when I tried to pull them up, they just fell right back down to the floor, and those were my smallest pair. I grabbed a belt and pulled it through the belt loops. I tightly buckled it until my pants no longer fell.

I went into the kitchen, "Hmmm, what to have for breakfast?" I thought. I looked in the cupboards and found some Trix cereal. I grabbed my notebook and wrote Ian another letter.



I'm sorry about the last letter, I was a bit mad. It's just that you said you loved someone else, and I will never have that chance to be your one and only. I'm sorry I told you about my cutting, that a was a bit personal, it wasn't your fault. I was doing it to myself remember. If it's anyone's fault then it's mine. Ian, I just wanted to tell you these last 7 years, I've missed you. I've missed you like crazy, I was just scared that you wouldn't accept me for being gay. I thought if I kept it a secret, I wouldn't ruin our friendship, but by not telling you I ruined it. Maybe if I told you, you wouldn't have 6 kids that aren't yours and you wouldn't be married to a girl that's been cheating on you since the beginning. Maybe then we could be together. Just maybe.....



I finished eating and grabbed my landline phone. I called Ian, maybe he would be able to come to the mall with me. I needed someone with me so I didn't look strange. Not that I didn't look strange already. I dialled Ian's number.

"Hello? Is Ian there" I asked.

"Speaking" Ian's voice said.

"Hey Ian, Are you busy? If not, can you go to the mall with me. I need to get some new clothes and stuff." I didn't know how to say I needed a new phone and computer and clothes, without him finding out that I didn't go outside for 7 years.

"Um....." I was worried that he was going to say no. I mean he has 5 kids at home he can't just leave them all to go to the mall.

"Yea sure, Melanie took the kids to the zoo today. I asked her if she needed any help, I could come to help, but she said no. She's probably there with her little boyfriend." Ian said sarcastically.

"Great, I thought you were going to say no, because you'd have to watch the kids, but that's great!" I replied.

"Well I know you Anthony, and you don't like going to public places alone, so I'll come with you."

"Thank you so much Ian, it really means a lot for you to be doing this for me!" I was so happy.

"It's nothing Anthony! I've missed you a lot! I smiled at Ian's response.

"I've missed you to buddy, well I got to go! I'll see you in about 30 minutes?"

"That sounds great, see ya."

When Ian hung up I had a great idea. I wanted to tell him when we sat down for lunch at the mall, but I didn't know if I could hold it in till then. I decided that I would tell him when he got into the car.

I jumped into the car and decided that since I had so much time I would go and get Ian and I a coffee from Starbucks. I figured that with him being at home so much with the kids he wouldn't be able to go out and enjoy himself every now and then. I walked up to the counter.

"2 grande double chocolate chippy frappachino's please" I asked the guy over the counter.

"Hey, you're Anthony from Smosh! I love your video's I haven't seen you in any of them lately. Can I get your autograph?" He asked, a smiled plastered on his face.

"Yea, absolutely! Actually One of these is going to Ian, If you want we'll both come back here later and give you an autograph?" I told him.

"Oh my be geezes! YES!" He was so happy. It made my day.

"Here's your drinks Anthony. I put extra whipped cream on it just for you guys." He was so happy.

"Thank you, but you shouldn't have." I paid for the drinks, and gave him an extra generous $10 tip. He was just so happy, I was glad that I could do that.

I went back to Ian's house and found him waiting outside, he looked annoyed, that's when I realized that I spent an extra 10 minute's talking to the guy at Starbucks. Ian jumped into the car.

"What took you so long dude?" Ian asked getting into the car.

"I went to Starbuck, I got you a double chocolate chippy frappachino with extra whipped cream" I said, teasing Ian with it.

"Oh my god, I haven't been to Starbucks in forever. Can we go there for lunch?" Ian asked.

"Ya, we have to. The guy at the counter want's our autograph's. Which reminds me......"


Yay! Chapter 4! Sorry it's a little short, I'm going out soon so I had to write it fast! But what do you think Anthony's going to tell Ian?!?!?!?!

I already know but I like cliffhangers!

Thanks for reading guys!

If you want this chapter to be dedicated to you, please leave some comments :)


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