Chapter 40 - The Return

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"Um....Anthony? Who is that man and why does he look exactly like you?"

Ian pointed to the man walking towards us. His hair parted and styled identical to mine. He wasn't wearing the same clothes and myself, but he did dress with the same style. His eyes were different. They were not dark chocolate brown like mine, nor where they blue like Ian's, but they were this sharp, intense green that made you look twice. His skin was unlike anything that I had ever seen before. He was very pale, like he had never seen the sun before. But he glowed. The light bounced off of him and illuminated the whole room. His teeth, sparkling white, yet they were the same as mine. At first I stared at him in awe, but then with completely and other confusion. Why did this man look exactly like me, but at the same time, he did not. Why was this man walking right towards us.

"Fancy seeing you here!" The man even sounded like me. 

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but...who the hell are you?" I looked around at everybody. They were just as confused as I was, maybe even a bit more.

The man chuckled, giving me a slap on the shoulder. "Oh Anthony, you haven't changed a bit have you." The man smiled, Looking around at everyone. We all gave him strange and confused looks. 

"You still haven't told us who the fuck you are?!" Tyler said. I sensed some sass in his tone. But yet again, when wasn't he being sassy.

But when I looked back to the imposter in front of me, something clicked. Something inside me knew instantly who it was. Something that had been on the end of my tongue the whole time. Scratched at the inside of my brain, demanding to be let out. It was him, it was always him. He knew that evenutally I would get it, and that it why he didn't say anything. He knew that the emptiness in my head would leave me to understanding. As soon as I knew, I hugged him. I held him close. 

"I never thought that I would see or hear from you again...." I whispered in his ear. I could feel his chest tightening, his back clenching. He was smiling.

When we let go in our embrace everybody was watching. They looked at me, then back at him, then back at me. Dumbfounded. 

"Can someone be tell me what....the....FUCK is going on?!" Tyler looked at everybody, they simply shrugged their shoulders.

"No time to explain. Anthony! How have you been doing lately?!" He patted my shoulder and I smiled.

"Things have been a little rough, but Ian and I have managed to mostly get through it with the help of our friends here. They really know how to make a guy feel better." I walked over, putting my arm around Ian.

"That is so great Anthony, see anything, I knew that everything was going to turn out just the way it should have. You have a lovely family." He smiled.

"Anthony babe, would you mind introducing us to your friend?" Ian smiled, putting his arm around my waist. 

"OH! Of course!" I walked over to the other side, pushing him out in front of me. 

"Guys, I would like to introduce you to one of my very good friends. We have been friends for a while. Anyway, this is my friend-"


Kalel's P.O.V

"Penelope honey, have you packed your bags?" I walked into her room, looking at the disaster around me. Obviously not. 

"Sorry Mommy....." Penelope looked at me, her eyes filled with sarrow. 

"You know that I'm not falling for that again. Now I'll help you clean up this mess, and we're going to start packing to go back home, okay?" I started picking up some of the toys that were around me feet. 

Penelope smiled widely and nodded. She quickly began to pick up all the toys on the floor. Throwing the toys onto the bed. It annoyed me a little, but at least they were all there and we could deal with them further when we got there.

 "Penelope honey, there something that I would like to talk to you about." I told her as I folded some of her clothes to go in a suitcase. "Mommy has been home schooling you for quite a while now, and I want you to know that I love to do it, but it's becoming a little to hard to do. So, mommy will be sending you to regular school, where you can make some friends and all kinds of things!" I smiled, setting the folded clothes in the case.

"But I'm scared mommy." She said to me. I could tell she wasn't lying by the look in her eyes. I set the clothes down on the bed and walked over to her. Nealing down.

"Now listen to me darling. I love you. You are a very smart, beautiful girl. There is not one thing you should be scared of. Other than boys, you should be scared of boys because they have cooties!!! EW!" I smiled, kissing her forehead.

Penelope smiled and we finished packing up. She was such an angel, and I couldn't even think about changing her. 

We had collected all our belongs and were heading to the front door. I kissed my mother goodbye and she kissed us goodbye. I walked out the door ready to dial a taxi when I saw it.

The big black Escalade, with a Dave Franco standing outside with his arms crossed and smiling.

"What can I say? I'm not going to let the love of my life take a taxi driven by some creepy old guy to the airport." 


"Anthony babe, would you mind introducing us to your friend?" Ian smiled, putting his arm around my waist. 

"OH! Of course!" I walked over to the other side, pushing him out in front of me.

"Guys, I would like to introduce you to one of my very good friends. We have been friends for a while. Anyway, this is my friend Conscience"


Sorry for the uber short chapter you guys but because of school I have no time to write! I am so busy you guys.

This chapter is for sure a game changer here, and I hope you all realize that we are coming close to the end of Unbelieveable, but rest assured! There will be a second one that I will talk about more soon.

I'm really glad to hear that you are all enjoying the story.

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I love you all!

Happy Reading!

~Shelby Saraiva

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