Chapter 6 - Reality Check

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"Melanie, we NEED to talk" Ian screamed, he didn't realize that all the kids were still in the room.

"What is it honey?" Melanie looked worried. She knew exactly what Ian was going to say.

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW, YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME ALL THESE YEARS, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. IT'S OVER, I'VE PACKED MY BAGS AND PUT THEM IN MY CAR. I'M LEAVING. FOR GOOD." Ian screamed. His face was hot with anger, and sweat dripped down his chin. He had given him self a head ache from yelling. He ran into the car and began to cry.

"Why did I have to chose her." His voice burned with anger. He grabbed the steering wheel hard, but instead of going to his moms. Ian drove to Anthony's.


I heard a loud sharp knock on the door and got up from the sofa to answer it. I approached the door and heard someone cuss under their breathe. I knew that it was Ian.

"Hey Ian, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to sound happy, but I knew exactly what was going on.

"I did it Anthony. I broke up with Melanie, I'm going to my mom's but I just wanted to come here and tell you first." Ian smiled. "You make me happy Anthony, I don't know what it is, maybe it's because I haven't seen you in years, but something about you makes me smile."

I was blushing, I could tell, "This isn't supposed to be happening. I wonder if he notices. I hope not because that would totally give me away. What am I supposed to say. "Oh Ian, that's so kind I love you" No, that's way to cheesy, maybe you should invite him in for water, let him tell you what happened. You're thinking to much, he's going to notice you're not saying anything, just invite him in retard."

"Want to come water, have a cup of inside? " I exclaimed.

"Oh my god Anthony you're an idiot. What are you doing rearranging sentences. You're so awkward. I think you might need counselling. He's going to notice that you like him. Way to give yourself away." Where was this voice in my head coming from. I don't know, but I kind of liked it. Besides all the rude thing's he's saying to me.

"Oh Anthony, you never fail to make me smile." Ian laughed.

We walked into the living room and Ian sat on the couch. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed him a water. I could tell that he was getting hot from all the yelling.

"Anthony, thank you for being such a great friend" Ian smiled.

"Yea......friend" I fakely smiled.

"I'm sorry that I can't stay very long. I have to write the script for the next video and go talk to my mom. Call me later Dude." Ian set his water on the counter and walked up to the door before looking back and smiling.

"Thank you" And he was out the door.

"Anthony, you're just a friend to him. He doesn't love you. He only wants you as a friend. No matter what you do, he's only ever going to be your friend. See what you did to yourself. After so many years you become his best friend, and now you'll never get out of the friend-zone"

"Who are you anyway" I said out loud.

"I'm your conscience"

"My what" Am I going crazy.

"As says "the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action"

"How come I've never heard you before than?" I think I need to see a shrink.

"Because when you found your love for Ian, I came around. You just made me stronger because you need someone to help you."

"Well, your not doing a very good job at it." Alright, I'm going to book a cat scan for tomorrow.

"That's because you're an idiot." Okay that part was true.

"Fine, but I'm okay with just being Ian's friend. At least we'll still be close"

"I'm in your head Anthony, I know that you want more than that. You can never lie to me"

"Go away, I just wanna go to bed.


I laid in the bed not believing anything that just happened. I took deep breathes staring up at the ceiling. Thinking the whole day over. Thinking about everything that was happening. Then I smiled. It was so wrong, but it felt so right. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I tossed back and forth on the bed. Kicking the sheet's up with my feet. The pillow's fell off the mattress from time to time. I would just pick them up and put the back on the bed. I counted sheep, I drank warm milk. I even took sleeping pill's but nothing worked.

"Conscience, If you're doing this to me I swear to god" I said in my head. No answer. Just a little snore. So it wasn't him. I looked at my phone 3 am, god. I even read a book, but nothing was working.

I know, I have to write Ian a letter. A poem, A song something!


Dear Ian,

Today you broke up with the horrid cheating lifeless whore who cheated on you with someone else. You came back over to my place afterwards and had a glass of water, but you didn't stay for to long because you had to go back home and write the new script and talk to your mom about what happened. I thought about asking you to live with me, but that would be to risky because then you might just find out that I love you. That would suck, not because I love you, but because well.....I don't want to be rejected by you. I don't want to hurt our friendship. I love you Ian, that will never change, neither will our friendship, because you will never find out.

Today my conscience decided he should make his first appearance. He told me that he was going to help me through these rough times. But he's just plain mean. But I guess that's my other half. Don't get him mad. He talks to me, I thought I was going crazy, but I kinda like him. Maybe it's because he's me, maybe it's because he's kinda funny. He put's words right into my mouth. Except for that whole "Want to come water, have a cup of inside?" That was me.....I get nervous around you Ian I'm sorry. You thought It was funny. So did Conscience. I can't sleep Ian, I don't know why. I've tried everything my friend. It's just not working. I don't want to become the old me. That was in the past. I want to sleep. I love to sleep. I'm like a cat. Unless you don't like cats then I can be a dog, but if you don't like dogs either I can be a like humans right?


As soon as the Y hit the page at the end of Anthony, I fell asleep. At 3:33am.


Ian tossed and turned in his bed. His pillows would fall off the bed and he messed up his sheets more than once. He drank milk, read book, counted sheep, took sleeping pills. Nothing worked and he couldn't figure out why. He thought maybe it had to do with the break up but he decided other wise when he realized he was happy about that. Finally after hours of tossing and turning Ian fell asleep instantly, at 3:33am.


I walked around the grocery store early the next morning, yawning. I didn't get much sleep last night. I grabbed some rice and was tempted to just crawl up on the floor and sleep, but I didn't. I got to the freezer isle and that's when I realized that this was the last place I was Melanie. I instantly remembered what she was saying about the weird symptom's she was having. I didn't know why they hit me so fast, but they did. Maybe it was just normal hormonal thing's. But it seemed a little strange.

I finished my shopping and returned to my car. I looked over to the right where Melanie was parked before and I saw a car in flames, burning. Screams came from within the car. It sounded like 6 people. 1 male and 5 children. The car was smashed and there was blood everywhere, it looked like they were on the highway, not in the store parking lot. That's when a cold sensation filled my body. I heard a woman scream and I fell to the ground. All I could see was darkness, and in the far distance. I light.


OOOOOO, What do you think is happening?

I love cliff hangers :)

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been a little busy but I promise to update more.

I'm getting my own computer soon, so I'll be able to update more! Yay!!!!!!!

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