Chapter 26 - What To Do Next

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"I can't believe that you got our car towed" Kalel said to Ian. Penelope hugged her leg.

I looked around the neighbour hood. There was cars parked on both sides of the streets, and they were everywhere. Why was it our car that got the hook?

"I thought it was safe to park here, look around! There's cars everywhere!" Ian made emphasis on the point.

We walked up and down all the streets, looking for Ian's car. Wondering what to do next. We went to the spot where Ian's car was supposed to be parked, and I noticed something.

" parked in front of a driveway, of course you got towed." I laughed, sometimes Ian's stupidity made everyone's day a little brighter.

Ian stood there dumbfounded at his own stupidity, and then began to laugh at himself.

"I must've not been thinking" He chuckled.

"So what do we do now?" Penelope asked. I looked down at her.

We all sat there thinking about what to do next. It hadn't dawned on me that I had my wallet and phone in my back pockets until about half and hour later.

"I'll call a taxi and he can take us to the towing company." I exclaimed.

I called the taxi company and told them the address of the hospital. We walked back up to the hospital, making it just in the nick of time. The taxi was just pulling up. I put my bag in trunk while the others hopped into the back. I got into the front, telling the driver our destination. The drive was painstakingly long, we kept stopping at red lights, and the traffic by the hospital was crazy. We finally got to the garage. It was closed.

"Are you serious, we have to pay for another cab, and then another one tomorrow. This is ridiculous" Ian slammed his hands on the metal walls.

"It's going to be okay Ian, I guess that this is an extra price you have to pay for being an idiot." I chuckled, Kalel giggled.

Ian smiled. He grabbed Penelope. I called another cab. This time the drive was not so long, and we got home safely. Ian was determined to eat at home, as we had spent enough money today. Kalel and I made some spaghetti while Ian showed Penelope how to play Legend Of Zelda.  

"Anthony, I need to tell you something" Kalel said, not looking up from the onions she was chopping. It looked like she was crying, but it may have just been the onion.

"Yes Kalel?" I looked over at her worried. What could she possibly have to say to me? I was so worried, and sad, and confused, and mostly scared. Scared of what she was going to say.

"My dad, he, he passed away." Kalel broke into tears. Trust me, these were not onion induced tears.

I stopped what I was doing and ran to Kalel, hugging her tightly. She only sobbed more. Lucky Ian's game was to loud for them to hear Kalel. I wouldn't want Penelope coming in here and seeing her mother like this.

"He died yesterday, that's why I came to the hospital. I wanted to talk to you guys. But I feel asleep and Ian fell asleep before I could even get it out, I feel horrible Anthony" Kalel sobbed on. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped her tears away.

"It's going to be alright. You have to stay strong, do it for Penelope. Show her that you are a strong woman." I bargained.

Kalel took deep breaths, fanning her face like she had taken a bite of hot food. She smiled at me, and continued chopping onions for the sauce. I started making some meatballs and the pasta. Ian came in a short few minutes later.

"Where's Penelope?" Kalel asked, looking curiously at Ian's side.

"She was beating me in Legend Of Zelda, so I left" Ian crossed his arms over his chest, pouting like a child. I laughed.

"Ian, everyone beats you at the game." I hear Kalel laugh, and even in the distance, I hear Penelope laughing.

Ian had always sucked at playing video games, and he always insisted that he would get better at them. He never does get better. As kids we used to spend all summer inside playing Mario and Pokémon. I always beat him. Although I didn't know it at the time, I would let him win because I loved him. I heard Kalel plop one of my meatballs into the pan. I make my meatballs way to big. I managed to make 3 big meatballs and 3 small ones. I would give the small ones to Penelope and of course all the adults would have the big ones. I think that it's important to have time with family, time away from the world online.

"Ian, would you mind setting the table?' Kalel asked.

Ian agreed and I continued my job in the kitchen. Soon I was done, and handing out plates at the dinner table. Penelope sat with her feet not touching the ground.

"Anthony, you make really good meatballs." Penelope said to me when I finally sat down.

"Thank you, you're really good at beating Ian at video games" She giggled and smiled a toothless grin.

There was a phone call, but none of us got up to get it. It didn't really bother us, until there were 4 missed calls. Finally on the 5th ring, I got up from the table.

"Please excuse me while I go and deal with this" I say annoyed. I feel like a real adult and it's starting to scare me.

I walked up to the phone, not recognizing the number. I answered anyway.

"hello?" the voice on the other end was female, it was strangely familiar.

"Hello, this is Anthony Padilla, who is calling at such an ungodly hour" I joked, but this phone call was no joking matter.

"Anthony, oh thank god. It's Cheryl, Ian's mother, something is terribly wrong." Now I was really panicking. I was scared, and worried, and I could feel the sweat on the back of my neck.

"What's wrong? Tell me what's going on!" I didn't want to seem rude, but I was in such a panic, I didn't know what else to do.

"It's his father, he's had a heart attack" Now I think I was having a heart attack.


I'm sorry that this is so short, I just really wanted to get something up today. The internet and cable was down all day, and I have never been so bored in my entire life.

I reached 9000 reads the other day! That is so amazing.

I will probably cry when I reach 10000

I'm not lying.....

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Have a great day

~Shelby Saraiva

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