Chapter 34 - Fights

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"Ian......what's happening?!" I paniced, getting up from the sofa and pacing back and forth. I looked at the clock on the wall. 4am....Ugh, I wanted to go to sleep so badly, but I wasn't tired.

I looked around the room confused, why is Ian so shocked, why is his face like that. Does he have a cramp? Is his stomach upset, is he pregnant?1 I don't know! Ian nodded a couple times as the person on the other end of the line spoke. Was he being threatened? All these questions were racing through my mind, and finally I had enough. I sat back down on the couch, my leg shaking in anticipation. Finally, after what seemed like hours Ian hung up the phone.

"Anthony.....that....that was mom...she said...she said he's dead.....Anthony, my Dad died....." Ian didn't cry. He looked down. He brought his knees to his chest, and wrapped his arms around his calves, spqeezing himself together. He looked at me, from over his knees, and I could see his glossy eyes, but he wasn't going to cry.

I got up and sat down closer to him. I wrapped my arm around his body and pulled him into my chest. I rubbed him arm with my hand. He just sat there. I could tell that he was in shock.

"What do we do Anthony? We just got my Dad wouldn't even want me at his funeral." Ian's face was pale, and I could tell that he was anxious.

"It's going to be okay's going to be okay"


I woke up late the next morning. I looked beside me, and Ian was gone. I knew he was probably editing a video from a few weeks ago. He edits when his emotions take control. 

"Ian? What kind of pancakes do you want?" I walked into the office. Ian sat staring at the computer. I could tell that he had been up all night.

"Chocolate peanut butter chip please" Ian spun the chair so he faced me. He smiled when he saw my face. I could tell that he was having a hard time coping with things. I walked up to him, kneeling on the floor so that we were face to face. I rubbed his cheek with my hand. Kissing him softly. 

"You got it babe" I got up and entered the kitchen. Luckily we had enough pancake mix for the 2 of us. I got Arabella from her room. She was just waking up. I brought her into the kitchen with me and set her in her high chair. I started making the pancakes. Soon Ian walked in. He pulled a chair up next to Arabella, feeding her the baby food I set next to her. 

"Anthony....what do I do?" Ian looked at me as I set a plate of pancakes in front of him. 

I set my plate down on the table and grabbed the orange juice from the fridge. "I think that we need to stay in Sacramento, we need to film more videos so that we get paid. Then when the time is right, when you finally have peace with yourself and your father, we can go out to his grave. Pay our respects." I poured the juice in our glasses and sat down to eat my breakfast.

"I need to go to my fathers funeral Anthony. I just have to go..." Ian looked down.

"Fine, but I need to stay here Ian....I have to take care of things. I can't just be running around America." I ate the pancakes.

"If you're trying to tell me that you don't want to go to my Dad's funeral then just come out and say it." Ian was starting to get mad.

"Ian, I'm just saying that I need to stay here and take care of things" Now I was getting mad.


"What?! Taking control of our home?!" I screamed back.

"I'm leaving" Ian sat up quickly, and walked over to the door.

"Ian wait!" But it was to late, he was gone.

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