Chapter 25- Visiters

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Shane and Joey had come and visited me in the hospital. They were nice, they stayed and talked about how the wedding had gone, and they had apologized several times about the accident. I never understood why people apologized at something that wasn't their fault. It wasted my time, their time, and just, time in general. The medicine has made me angrier then normal. The medication made me, not me.

"Anthony, I think you should get some rest, you look like your going to be sick." Ian said to me.

I looked across the room to the TV screen. My eyes were sunken in, my hair hadn't been washed in days, and it was full of knots. I was going to make myself just looking at my reflection.

"I really need to shower, I feel like a giant piece of poop, and I look one too." I got up from the bed, and grabbed some pyjamas that Ian had brought me. I was so happy to have Ian.

"You look beautiful to me, no matter what." Man was I lucky.

"Please..." I said, looking at him. I wasn't really a person to beg for attention, but I was really liking it right now.

"It's true, but as for your smell, that's a different story." Ian joked. I stuck out my tongue, receiving a smirk.

I headed into the showers. It wasn't really a welcoming shower room. It smelled like chemicals no matter how much shampoo you used. Thankfully there was stalls for each other showers, I wouldn't really like to shower with Harold, the 86 year old with blistering skin. The thought of that sent shivers down my spine, would Ian still be there with me if I looked like him? I let the water run down my back, thinking about the future. I was thought really hard in the shower, and I wasn't really sure why. Most of the ideas for Smosh videos I got in the shower. It was hard to tell how long I was in the shower, but I could tell that it had been a while.

"Anthony, are you okay?" There was a knock on the door, it was one of the nurses. I could tell by the blue pants and white shoes at the bottom of the stall door.

"Ya, I'm fine, just enjoying the water." I lied. The nurse walked away to go and help another patient. When I finally decided it was time to get out 50 minutes had passed. I hurried to get dressed, remembering poor Ian sitting all alone in the room.

When I got back, Ian was asleep in one of the chairs, Kalel sat next to him, holding Penelope, who was wide awake. She looked over at me, and smiled brightly. One of her front teeth was missing, making her look extra cute.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"My mommy really wanted to come to talk to Uncle Ian, and you of course. Uncle Ian said you were in the shower. They just fell asleep, and I can't seem to get out of my mom's grasp" Penelope tried to pull her moms arm away, failing.

I carefully grabbed Kalel's arm, and moved it gently. Grabbing Penelope, I set her onto the ground. Grabbing 2 blankets from the corner, I draped them across my 2 best friends. Penelope stood behind me. I turned around, and got an idea.

"Penny, can I show you something?" I smiled down at her. She smiled back, nodding furiously.

I brought Penelope down the halls of the hospital, all the way to the 7th floor. Penelope skipped down the halls a couple feet ahead of me.

"Penelope, come in here with me." I lead her into the room that held Arabella. I lifted Penelope up. Holding her close to my chest. Looking down at the small child in the bed. She was sleeping.

"Who is she?" Penelope asked me.

"You know how you're Kalel's daughter? She, is my daughter" I said, pointing down at her.

"What's her name?" Penelope asked. She was a curious little one.

"Arabella" I smiled at Penelope and Arabella. Penelope looked down at the baby.

"You're going to be a great father" I voice boomed from the doorway. I jumped up, shocked. It was the doctor.

"Thank you, I'm trying. This is Penelope by the way, she isn't my daughter, she's my niece." Penelope stuck out her hand for the doctor to shake. I could tell by the look on his face that he was surprised, but he gladly took it. Smiling and laughing.

"I can already tell you're going to be a great dad, I must get going. See you again soon."


 I woke up the next morning laying in the hospital bed. Penelope lay on my right. I looked to the two sitting on the chairs. Ian was just waking up, rubbing his neck from the uncomfortable sleep. I smiled, and looked down to see Penelope stirring awake as well. I saw the clock out of the corner of my eye; 10am. My stomach grumbled.

"I'll go get you some food" Ian offered.

"Please don't, that food is shit, and I just want to get out of here and find a Starbucks or something" I rolled over to stand.

"Anthony, I have to speak with you" A different doctor stood in the frame of the door. He had a fancy clipboard. He looked snooty.

"Yes?" I was shocked that my doctor wasn't here, but yet again, I don't think he works 7 days a week.

"You are free to go home, you may not take Arabella today, as she has woken up with a fever, we will keep her safe here." The doctor said with no emotion in his voice. It made me a little mad to be talked to with such seriousness. I choked down the anger.

"Thank you, please take care of her" I mimicked his voice, my friends tried to hold in their laughter.

The doctor left without another word. When he was out of earshot Ian and Kalel burst into laughter. Even Penny started to laugh. I began to laugh, and soon we were a big mess of people bursting with laughter. We got a couple looks from nurses, but when they saw what was going on, they smiled.

"Anthony, don't forget your phone charger" Ian reminded me as we started to pack up. I always seemed to leave my chargers lying around everywhere, and always seem to lose them. I swear I have bought at lease 10 new chargers.

We packed up all of the stuff from the past few days. I was so excited to finally be able to get to bring Arabella home today. I was worried for her. She keeps getting sick. I'm a little concerned at it is the hospitals fault. But I'm sure it's because she has a weak immune system from the early birth.

"Um, earth to Anthony?" Kalel waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, was just thinking" I grabbed my bag off of the bed, and looked around the room to see if I had forgotten anything. When I saw a note in the corner of the room. I didn't remember writing any notes, and I had been watching Ian all these days, he doesn't even have a pen, let alone a piece of paper. I bent over and picked up the note. The paper was still white. I was about to unfold it when Ian popped into the door.

"C'mon dude, I'm starving!" Ian groaned, I shoved the note into my bag.

"I'm coming" I walked towards the door. My duffel bag swung over my shoulder.

We walked out of the hospital and over to Ian's car. He had parked it as close to the hospital as he could get. Hospital parking cost a lot these days, and when I said he parked as close as he could, I meant he parked 6 streets over.

We walked and walked and walked, for what seemed like forever, when we got to the street the car was supposed to be on, I noticed something.

"Um, Ian? Where's the car?"

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