Chapter 21- Penelope

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"So you mean to tell me, that Kalel has a daughter?" Ian asks as we drive towards Kalel's grandmothers.

"I mean, you're so small and, you don't look like you could've gained any weight after." Ian was so confused I almost began to laugh.

Kalel told Ian everything, the words sound so familiar as I try to block them out.

"Anthony, we need to talk" Conscience says to me, me now realizing that he was still there this whole time. It's been quite awhile since we last spoke, and now I'm a little curious what he has to say.

"Yes Conscience, Is there something wrong?" Concern clear in my voice.

"No, not at all. It's just that, it seems almost like you don't need me anymore." I am baffled by the emotions behind his words. It scares me

"I need you so much conscience. I mean it's not like you have a choice of leaving me anyway." I laugh out loud, getting a few looks from the others.

"Well Anthony I-"

"Babe, is this where we turn?" Ian called to me, grabbing my hand.

I looked up at him, and smiled, I nodded, and stared out the window, the country road stretched far in front of us. A small little yellow house sat at the very top of hill, and when I turned in my seat to look at Kalel in the back, she was smiling at the house.

"That's it Ian." I pointed to the house .

"How did you know Anthony?" Kalel looked confused and surprised.

"Well, 1. It's the only house for miles, and 2. I saw you smiled like an idiot" I numbered off of my fingers and began to see red creeping up onto her cheeks.

When we finally pulled in the driveway Kalel was out of the car before we even stopped. She ran to the door, not even bothering to knock. She swung it open and Ian and I could see her hugging the little girl from the car. We walked up to the front door hand and hand. When we got there Kalel invited us in.

"You two must be Ian and Anthony" I looked up from Ian and I's intertwined hands to see an older woman, she looked to be about 65-70. Her brown hair had strands of grey and she wore a night gown.

"Indeed we are" Ian responds.

"Well, Kalel has told me a lot about you to, and you seem like a lovely couple." She knows.

"Penelope, do you have your stuff ready?" She called, me just clueing in that Kalel had left.

"Penelope?" Ian asked confused.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you didn't know Kalel' daughters name" She chuckled.

"Oh that makes sense" Ian looked down at the ground.

"Well, it look's as if Kalel might be taking a little longer than expected, Please, come in, and I'll make us some stuff to drink, call me Betty." Kalel's grandmother pointed us to the dining room table.

We sat down as Betty went to the kitchen to make tea. I rested my hand on Ian's thigh. His hand over mine.

"We're going to have one full house." Ian smiled at me. I couldn't help it, I leant over and kissed him. He smiled beneath the kiss.

"You bet we are" I laughed, blushing.

"Well, I guess It was a good thing to buy a 4 bedroom house." Ian chuckled.

"I remember when we were first looking at houses for the Smosh house. We were looking at so many houses, but none of them were the right size, or In the right place. When we drove down the street, and I saw the house for sale I had this weird feeling. I can't really describe it. I wasn't nervous, and it wasn't the feeling I get when I think of you. When the relator told us that it was 4 bedroom, I knew that we had to have it. It was the perfect amount of rooms for the videos. We could both live there and have 2 guest bedrooms. When you left, the house was too big. I was the only one there. All of the time. I didn't even use my room because I couldn't sleep without another night mare. It went on for to long Ian..." I began to cry.  

I was surprised when Ian's finger grazed across my cheek, wiping away my tears. He grabbed my head in his hands. Directing my gaze to him. I was crying too.

"Anthony, I am so sorry I did that to you....." His tears continued.

"I will never leave you again Anthony, never." He hugged me close. His mouth close to my ear.

"Because I'm in danger of falling madly in love with you"


 Kalel came down with Penelope a few minutes later, bags in her hands, she had a few toys and a blanket.

"Penelope these men are going to be living with us. You already know that your father isn't here. I'm sorry honey, anyway. These men are your uncles." Kalel, smiled giving us a Just play along look.

"Hello Penelope, I'm Anthony, and this is Ian." I kneel down to the girls level. She smiles, jumping on me and giving me a hug.

"Thank you Anthony, for saving my mommy."


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, but I just wanted to let you know that I made a trailer for Unebelievable! It should be on the side ->

I was really bored, and I thought that I should make one.

Sorry that it's really bad!


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