Chapter 12 - Dinner and a Movie

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"Melanie's what?" I almost dropped the phone out of my hand.

"She's dead, I'm sorry sir. But you are welcome to come into the hospital and look at the beautiful baby girl, before her time is up." The voice slowly became distant.

I hung up, not even saying goodbye. It was rude, but that good bye wasn't good. What was Ian going to think? I hope he'd be okay. I don't want to ruin our night, but I can't just keep it from him. I mean, I don't know if we're officially dating, but I still couldn't keep it from him. He was just to important to me. Just then I heard the door open and I knew exactly what I had to do.

"Ian, I have some bad news" I looked down at the ground, and I could feel tears welling up inside of me.


"It's Melanie......she gave birth."

"How's that bad news.....wait, it 2 months to early. Is there something else?" Ian was calm, I was in hysterics.

"Ya.........she's dead, Melanie. Not the baby. But the doctors don't think she'll survive. She's going to die as well Ian." I was crying at this point.

Ian's face dropped. He didn't cry, he didn't laugh. He had no emotion.

"That baby is going to live Anthony. I know it will. She is strong, I can feel it in my heart. We have to take her Anthony. Once she's out of the hospital. We need to adopt her. She may not be my blood. But she's still dear to me."

"I understand Ian, but how are we going to take care of a child." I was a little concerned. I can't take care of a child! I'm still a child for pete sakes!

"Okay Anthony, I know she has a really slim chance. But I believe in her." Ian wasn't sad, he was hopeful.

"Thanks for running to the store for me Ian, means a lot." I decided to change the subject so that the rest of the night wouldn't be awkward.

"No problem, babe. I'll make the hot cocoa since all I have to do is boil water!" We both shared a laugh.

He called me babe. BABE! This is huge! This is big! He called me babe! Okay Anthony, stop fangirling.

I had finished with the chicken, just putting it in the oven when Ian told me that the hot cocoa was finished. Good time Ian!

"Thanks, want to go watch some TV while we wait for the chicken to be done?" I asked Ian.

"Yeah, we can pick out the movie on Netflix while we wait!" Ian said smiling.

Ian went over into the closet where we used to keep our props. I left all the props in there since I never really wanted to clean it out. Those props were memories. And I wanted to keep those memories as long as I could. He pulled out a big brown blanket from the closet that we used in one of our music videos. It warm fuzzy and warm. I remember when we were looking around Target tried to find random stuff to put in the music video. We bought a lot of things that day, but the blanket stuck out to me, because we used it even after the music video. I used it when we went on road trips together. When we went to Play List and VidCon. We used that blanket a lot, and it had a lot of memories of Ian and I together with it.

"Remember the plane trip to Play List? We used this blanket to keep us warm up in the air?" Ian smiled, bringing the blanket to the couch.

"How could I forget, you got in a fight with the flight attendant because of it. She kept saying that it was to big, and you kept saying that maybe if they provided blankets for night trips you wouldn't have to use it." I chuckled at the memory of waking up to an angry Ian and a trying to stay calm flight attendant.

Ian snuggled up next to me on the couch. He wrapped the blanket around the two of us, and we flipped through the many movies on Netflix. We had some trouble finding a movie. But we settled on watching Pitch Perfect. Just then I heard the oven beep. The chicken was ready. I groaned. Why did I have to move? This was what I had been waiting for my whole life, and now, some stupid chicken is going to ruin it.

"I'll go get the wing's Anthony, You can set the table" Ian offered, looking up at me smiling.

"Thank you Ian" I said, kissing his forehead.

I got up off the couch, regretting every minute of making that stupid chicken. Why couldn't we just stay together a little longer? I walked over to the cupboard where the plates were. I grabbed some napkins from the drawer, and some forks just in case. But we usually ate chicken wings with our fingers. I grabbed the Dr. Pepper out of the fridge that Ian had bought at the store. Pouring it into the glasses I had grabbed earlier. Our dining room table was a 2 person kind of table. It wasn't small, but it wasn't huge. I kind of enjoyed the small space between Ian and I.

"The table is set Ian" I smiled looked over at him moving the wings onto a platter.

"Great, I'm just going to finish doing these then wash my hands" which reminded me that I should probably wash my hands as well. I walked into the bathroom and stared to wash my hands.

"Anthony, don't mess up this diner. You'll regret it if you do" conscience said.

I looked up in the mirror, and certainly enough, there was conscience looking back at me. He had a crooked smile on his face. More of a smirk.

"Conscience, I think I'm going to be fine" I smiled, and he smiled back.

"Go get em' bud" and he faded away, leaving behind the reflection of me smiling like an idiot in the mirror.


The dinner went well, Ian and I talked about the new Smosh script. I was laughing and we were having a good old time. When I realized something that I had never thought of before.

"Ian, how are we going to tell the fans?!" I didn't realize that we still had fans to be honest. It kind of hit me after the girl at the coffee shop still recognized me after 7 years!!

Ian's went into deep concentration, I could tell by the confused look on his face.

"We should tell them in the end of the next video. Like in the beginning of the video, we should say 'please stay tuned to the end of the video, we have some important news' that way they will know." Ian smiled. And I did too. I kind of liked his idea.

"It sounds great Ian! I can't wait!" I smiled grabbing the plates. Bringing them into the kitchen, I began to fill the empty dishwasher. Soon Ian came in with some more plates from my room, the tv room, and extras from the table that I couldn't grab with my hands.

"Thank you Ian, I'm almost done here. Soon we'll be watching Pitch Perfect (best movie ever btw) " I smiled, washing the pan from the chicken grease.

"Which reminds me!" Ian grabbed a bag of popcorn, and took it out of the protective plastic. He put the bag in the microwave and helped me by drying the dishes.

We finished washing about a minute after the popcorn was done. Which gave the popcorn time to cool down. It was perfect. I grabbed the bag from the microwave. It wasn't burning hot, but it was warm to the touch. I poured the bag into a clean bowl. Ian was in the TV room moving pillows and blankets so that we could both be comfortable. I walked into the tv room to find that all of the couch cushions were on the floor. The table moved to the side of the room. Ian had wrapped a bed sheet around the cushions so that they wouldn't move when we tried to sit. There was a bigger blanket on the cushions. It was the blanket from Ian's room. The one that he left before he moved in with Melanie. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"It's perfect Ian!" I smiled. "Let me just go put some pyjamas on. If you want I can grab you a pair from your room?" I offered.

"No no, I'm done here. I'm going to my room too." I smiled. Grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek before he left. I sat there dazed. This really was the best day of my life.

I went into my room, riffling through the drawers, trying to find a decent pair of pyjama bottoms. I finally gave up and just put on a pair of plaid bottoms. They were soft. Ian bought them for me for Christmas a long time ago. The Christmas before he left. I walked out and into the hallway. Ian had some plain navy blue (my fav colour btw) pants on and a Dr.Who t shirt. I didn't have a T-shirt on, but I don't think Ian minded to much.

"You look smoking hot" I turned around, shocked at what Ian had just said. Then I started to laugh. Uncontrollable, rolling around on the floor. He started to laugh too.

"Ahhh....well, let's go watch that movie" Ian smiled.

We snuggled close to each on the floor. We laughed together at parts that were funny. I looked over at Ian. His blue eyes illuminated by the tv screen, and he looked over at me.

"So, does this make thing?" I asked. Pushing down a nervous gulp.

"Do you want to be a thing? I mea, if you don't want to BSA. Thing, we don't have to be a thing. But I wanna be a thing. But if you think that's weird I can leave, but I don't really want to because I really like you, and now-" Ian's spoke with haste.

"Of course I want to be a thing Ian." I smiled back at him.

"Oh thank god!" Ian breathed a sigh of relief.

We finished watching the movie so I switched to some regular television. Adventure time was on, slowly Ian and I both began to fall asleep. Our breathing synced. And we both fell asleep cuddled up to each other at 3:33am


What do you guys think huh? Sorry! This would've been up sooner, but my family is Christmas crazy, so we've been decorating all weekend! I'm writing on my iPad today. I wish I was on the computer, but we can't always get what we want.

Anyway, aren't Ian and Anthony like the cutest thing ever. omg.

What do you guys think is going to happen with Melanie's baby girl?!?! =O

I'll going to try to update at least 4 times a week. Everyday if I can. I have to get into the writing mood!

Thanks for reading! Please vote! Feel free to leave a comment, I'll reply to yours! :)

Please share this story with you're friends. It would mean a lot to me if you did!

By the way, thank you for 1400 reads guys! That's so many for me. It may not be a lot to you, but it really does mean the world to me, so thank you! :) I've been really busy with school, but I'm going to free up some time to write now. Thank you guys for everything and I really hope that you enjoyed chapter 12! And thank you to my new reader @iluvcodysimpson, or Hannah if you'd like. She's one of my friends from school! Check out her book "Far From The Truth" It's really good!

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