Chapter 11 - Love, Death, and Apologizing

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Ian knocked on Anthony's door. Nervous about the events of last week, he paced the front porch.

"What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me? What if he never forgets how much I hurt him? What happens if he doesn't forgive me? Will we forever be enemies? I love Anthony to much to let that happen. I love the way he looks at me, the way he smiles. The way he sleeps, oh, he sleeps like a little angel sent from above."

Finally Ian heard the lock unclick. He knew that Anthony was behind that door. And his reaction to Ian being there was unthinkable. Ian closed his eyes, and took a deep breathe. Just before he heard the door pull away from the frame.


Anthony was in shock when he found Ian standing behind the door. He almost wanted to slam the door on his face, just for being an insensable jerk. For hurting him, and making him have suicidal thougths. But he couldn't do that, because Ian was obviously there for a reason. Anthony knew that Ian wouldn't come all this way, just to yell at him some more.

"Why didn't you tell me Anthony?" Ian was sad. Anthony was confused. How could Ian's mood change to fast. Anthony half expected him to be a little mad still.

"What do you mean Ian?" Anthony still very confused.

"I love you Anthony.......I should have figured it out sooner. I'm such a doofus. I yell at you on the phone for no reason, and come back here and expect you to love me back." Ian was crying now.

"I....I...I love you to Ian"


Melanie was working on the kitchen, when she heard a knock at the door. She went to go get it, but nobody was there.

"Damn, you teenagers." She mumbled to herself.

She went back to sweeping when she heard the knock again. She couldn't run to the door considering her pregnancy, but she quickly walked hopping that the culprit was still there. Nobody. She hid herself beside the door, not close enough to the window for them to see inside and find her.

Another knock.

Melanie quickly opened the door. There was nobody there. She went outside. Nobody was hiding. She looked all over the place. She began to feel and look woozy. And she fell to the ground. The last thing she saw was red.


 " still love me Anthony?" Ian said in shock.

Of course I love you Ian. I've loved you all of my life. I don't think I could ever stop loving you. Even though you yelled at me, even though you went through my PRIVATE diary. I still just can't stop loving you. I need you in my life Ian. I need you......

"Of course I do Ian. If I didn't I would've slammed the door on your face for all the rude and inconsiderate things. But I honestly still love you Ian." I was in complete shock, and at this moment the only person that was talking was conscience.

"I guess you're right......" Ian looked up and into my eyes. He smiled. Hugging me. The hug was warm and welcoming. He didn't let go, and it felt like we stood there forever.

"Um, Ian. We should probably go inside now." I looked down into his deep blue eyes. He was cute, nobody could deny that.

"Ya, I guess we should. It's getting a bit chilly out here. Do you have any popcorn? We should watch a movie tonight!" Ian was very excited. But I really wasn't sure if we had popcorn. If we didn't I would run to the store.

"I'll check when we get inside. I do have some hot cocoa. We could have that, while I prepare some dinner. I might have to run to the store to get some ingredients, but we should be fine."

"Sounds great!"

We walked inside and Ian went into the bathroom. I walked over to the kitchen and looked to see what we had available in the fridge and freezer. There was some chicken wings in the fridge that I meant to make the day Ian called. So I decided I would make my mothers famous rub. She used to make chicken wings a lot when Ian and I were kids. I remember all the time in the summer Ian would eat over and we had these exact wings. I wondered if he remembered them.

"You did good out there Anthony. I'm proud." Conscience exclaimed. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell by his tone of voice that he was smiling.

"I couldn't have done it without you bud" I said in my head. If Ian was out of the bathroom now, he would have thought I was crazy. Or "cray" as the kids call it these days.

I looked in the cupboard for one of the last spices of the rub. Unfortunately, we didn't have it. I then looked to see if we had some popcorn. Nope, none of that either.

"What kind of kitchen do you run, Anthony! Don't even have the freaking key ingredient! UGH!" I through my hands up in frustration.

"What's wrong?" Ian came around the corner. He was confused. I could tell by the look on his face.

"I can't believe this, but I have to run out to grab some paprika, and popcorn!" I chuckled, kind of a funny grocery list.

"I can run out and get it. You haven't made the cocoa yet, so I guess I'll grab some of that too. Do we have anything good to drink with dinner? I can pick up some pop." Ian was glad to help, and I was glad to have him here to help.

"Thank you Ian, I'm making chicken wings." I told him.

"I hope their like the ones you're mother made when we were kids! Those were the shit!" Ian smiled.

"You have a keen nose, sir. That's exactly what I'm making!" We laughed and talked for a bit, before Ian left for the store. That's when I got the call.

"Hello? Yes, Is Ian there?" It didn't sound good.

"Um, not now. Is there a message I can deliver to him."

"Yes, Ian's ex-wife, Melanie. Gave birth. 2 months to early. She is dead, and the baby, doesn't look like it will live long either."...........................



Sorry for the short chapters guys! I just really wanted to get this one published!

Anyway, you guys like the new cover?!

Thank you guys for reading and I'm going to start on chapter 12 right away!!!!!

Shout out to my friend HANNAH! She made the cover to my new book! Distance! You should check it out! She is also a new reader to Unbelievable (Ianthony)!

Hi Hannah!!!!!

Go follow her @iluvcodysimpson!


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