03. Madhouse

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Chapter Three

August 4, 2012

Shawn looked around his surroundings before pulling open the back door of the family safe house. He knew that there had to be serious business to discuss if they had to be meeting here. Normally, meetings were held at their father's estate, but things changed usually when the cops were hot on their trail. Growing up in this life, he knew that a cop sniffing around was the worst thing ever. If you didn't know how to operate around cops, you could give up an entire block. He entered and looked around to find his brothers acting a fool already.

"Shawn!" His younger brother, Michael, practically yelled through excitement. That was Michael's normal personality. He was the youngest and hadn't matured like the other two brothers. He was the trigger happy one of the group. If something ever went down, he was the first to suggest that the family go in with their guns blazing. If something ever happened to their father, Michael was the last person that anyone would ever want to take over.

Shawn laughed softly. "What up? Why you so excited?"

Michael laughed a bit. "This nigga had a threesome last night!"

"Word?" Shawn questioned before looking over to his older brother, Bryce. Bryce was generally the calm one of the three. He felt untouchable, because he used his brain. Of course, he knew how to do all the dirty work, but he had the ability to out think everyone else. That came from his natural smartness, and it was something that their father boasted about. Never in his life did he think that he would produce what he considered a genius.

"Word," Bryce answered. "You know this nigga just want in on the action."

Shawn let out another laugh. "You already know. Dad coming?"

"Nah," Bryce told him before pointing to a seat for Shawn to sit down. It wasn't unusual for their father to not show up to meetings. He usually had to watch things from the top and relay messages. Their father was the infamous Carter. He was probably the most wanted man in the New York streets. The cops have been yearning to put him behind bars for years now, but with the top lawyer under his belt, it was hard to get anything to stick on his record. Carter learned to keep his hands clean by hiring people that were desperately seeking money. His biggest rival happened to be his ex best friend, Mathew Knowles.

"So, what's up?" Michael asked after finally calming down.

Bryce released a deep breath. He sat forward on the couch and looked at his two younger brothers. "Them King boys are causin' trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Shawn asked. He knew that the King boys would eventually be trouble after they learned that their father had been murdered. It was only a matter of time before one of them retaliated. Whether it was on the right person or not, it didn't matter to them. As long as they had somebody, that was fine.

Bryce sighed. "Shot Kingston last night."

"Kingston? Kingston White? G's son?" Shawn asked with a slight panic in his voice. If there was anyone bigger than their father, it was Giovanni "G" White. Everyone knew that he only had two children, and they were by the same woman. It was odd because of the many women that G was known to have sex with. Even though he wasn't an active role in his children's lives, one could only assume that he wouldn't take too lightly to his son being shot.

"Yeah, man. He was dead on the scene," Bryce added.

Shawn ran his hand down his face. Christopher King was the heir to the throne by default. His older brother, Christian, wasn't interested in his father's business, because he enjoyed his freedom above everything else. Their father and Carter had a loyalty agreement. Under that agreement, everything the King family did, the Carter family was supposed to back up, but how could they go against G? No one had heard from G in years, but everyone knew that he was hanging around the New York streets awaiting the perfect time.

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