27. Runnin'

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Chapter Twenty Seven

November 8, 2012

Beyoncé looked around her hotel room once more with a huff. She was packing since she'd be leaving the city tonight. There was one last thing that she needed to accomplish, and hopefully it wouldn't take too much of her time. She bit down on her bottom lip to make sure that she had everything that she would need. Leaving something behind wasn't something that she wanted to do. She had two separate bags. One held the clothes that she used when she did her doings at night. She had made one more stop to find Michael, since the person seemed to be awaiting her arrival. Thinking back to the man killed last night, Bey chuckled softly before shoving the shirt into her bag.

Her eyes went to the clock on the nightstand, noting that she had time to kill. It was time that she would have loved to spend with someone, but she had no one to spend it with. She'd tried contacting Clifford numerous times, but whatever happened with Yesenia had truly gotten him tied up, and she didn't like it one bit. Call her jealous, but she was accustomed to Clifford being at her beck and call. No matter the time of night, he always answered her calls, and she wasn't left wondering where he was or what he was doing.

"It's too convenient," she spoke softly, thinking about how easily it was for Clifford to just leave. With a bite on her lip, Bey arranged for her driver to come immediately rather than a few hours later. She wanted to make a few stops that she knew would be beneficial to her.

Dressed in a black ensemble with boots, Beyoncé made her way down to the lobby without her belongings. She hopped into the backseat and gave the driver strict instructions on where she wanted to go. It was a place she knew that wasn't awaiting her company, and that was the perfect thing for her. The small New York house was positioned within a quiet neighborhood. It was the neighborhood that all the old people lived in, which gave everyone a sense of security.

"Give me a few minutes," Bey told the driver before getting out and walking to the door. She rang the doorbell.

"Beyoncé? Sweetie, what are you doing here?" Ms. Violeta asked with astonishment. After what happened to Beyoncé, she didn't expect to see her alone and at her doorstep. "Come in."

Bey smiled brightly and entered Clifford's mother's home. The familiar smell of food hit her nostrils, letting her know that the woman was preparing food. "I came to talk to you."

"Is it about Clifford?" Violeta was a smart woman, and she knew a bit of what was going on with Clifford. Even though he'd left in a rush, he made sure to let his mother know some of what was going on.

Beyoncé nodded her head and took a seat. "He just left."

"Have you talked to him any?"

She shook her head. "I've called and I've called, but he never returns my phone calls."

Violeta released a deep breath. "I can't make him talk to you, sweetie," she told her truthfully. "He's dealing with some past issues, and it's his time to make them right. He won't leave until everything is right. He won't entertain anyone else until everything is right."

"I just want to talk to him. I want to understand what's going on."

Violeta laughed a bit. "Love is what's going on. He has unconditional love for Yesenia. She's the only girl he's only loved, besides me, of course." Violeta beamed at that fact, forgetting that Bey was even in the room.

Bey wanted to roll her eyes, but opted not to out of respect. "What's going on with Yesenia? Is she back?"

"I can't tell you that."

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