30. Mine

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Chapter Thirty

November 23, 2012

"Kelly, I love you, too," Beyoncé spoke into the phone tiredly. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and she was awakened by a phone call from Kelly. She'd been attempting to get in touch with Beyoncé ever since Bey decided to shut down the business. This was the first time that Bey actually answered the phone for her.

"If you love me, why can't you come and see me, Bey? We're best friends, and I know something is going on with you."

"There is something going on with me, but I can't tell you."

Kelly sighed into the phone. "Does it involve the streets? Is it because you know deep down that I may not want to hear it?"

Beyoncé looked over to Shawn, who was stirring in his sleep. Her voice was slowly, but surely awakening him. They were staying in a cramped little motel until they got everything for their move situated. The way they wanted to leave was without a trace. Shawn was thinking more about their children. If their families were to come after them, then they needed to be safe.

"It's the streets and my personal life, Kelly. Changes are being made."

"Like what, Bey?"

"I can't tell you." Normally, Kelly would've gotten the truth out of Beyoncé. She had a way with words, and Bey always found herself spilling the truth, but today she simply couldn't do that. She had to protect her unborn children and husband. They were her main priorities in the life right now. The last thing Bey wanted was for Kelendria to accidently slip up and tell anyone anything.

"Well, when you're ready to talk, we can, okay? Am I going to see you for Thanksgiving?"

"No, Kelly. Not this time."

"It's really that bad, huh?" In the years of their friendship, they had never missed a Thanksgiving or Christmas together. It was a tradition for them to at least see one another on those two holidays. With everything going on with Bey, she was expecting to be in the state of New York next week.

"It is. But I'll talk to you another time, okay?"

"Okay, Bey. I love you."

"Love you, too, Kels," she said before quickly hanging up to see Shawn looking at her. He noticed her facial expression and released a deep sigh.

"You look sad," he commented.

Bey shrugged her shoulders. "My best friend is left in the dark, and I don't like it. I just feel like we can't trust anyone, Shawn."

"What do you mean?"

"Someone had to tell our families something. No one just assumes something like this happens. Who did you tell?"

Shawn rubbed his face, not really wanting to go through with this today. "I told Tyran, but he wouldn't tell anybody."

"How do you know that, Shawn?"

"I've known the nigga since I was young, Bey! Chill! What about that nigga, Clifford? Huh? Nigga left you high and dry and look what happens."

Beyoncé thought about it for a moment. Clifford had been the one she went to about everything. He knew about [everything] in the plan. When she came back to her hotel, he had suddenly gone to be with Yesenia. "Do you think it was a trade off?"

Shawn looked at her for a moment. "What?"

"A trade off. Do you think that someone promised him Yesenia's son for...bringing me to Michael? Do you think he would do that?"

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