Too Strong

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Perseus Jackson stood on top of a hill, one that he knew very well. He had missed it in the week he had been gone. He had recently visited his mother and Paul. Annabeth was supposed to have come with him, but at the last moment Athena had held her back saying that she needed Annabeth's help.

As he looked he thought about the many things had changed since Gaea had been defeated. First off, it was very peaceful. Well it was as peaceful as the demigod world could get with no war looming over it. Only a few monsters had remained and those stayed to the shadows not wanting to attract attention. Leo had returned with Calypso, which thrilled almost everyone.

Percy and Annabeth were not that thrilled about Calypso even if she apologized to them. They were respectful toward her, but refused to interact with her in a friendly way. Leo had at first been upset, but Percy set that straight when Leo had complained about how Annabeth had been rude on denying Calypso the opportunity to go shopping with Piper and Annabeth, who had made plans prior to Calypso asking. Percy had asked Leo to shut up and come with him in such a way that everyone was worried for Leo's safety. They knew that Percy was more on edge since returning from Tartarus, but he had kept it under check. The face that he had on when he talked to Leo however scared his friends, but none said anything as Leo went with him. Twenty minutes passed until a solemn faced Leo came back with an emotionless Percy. Leo went straight up to Annabeth and apologized. Leo also asked Calypso to keep her respected distance from the two. When asked what happened Leo said talk to Percy. Percy merely told them that he showed Leo the truth. When he and Annabeth were by themselves that night she made him confess that he had asked Dionysus to show Leo them fighting the Arai, what happened to them.

Olympus and the camps had changed. Percy had made it so that Hades and Hestia were on the counsel and that the camps were connected through a portal. As the gods had started to fulfill the previous wish of Percy's many more demigods had come to the camps, including a daughter of Zeus named Io. This had pissed off Hera, but Io was too much like her alive siblings. She was nothing like Heracles or the other stuck up children Zeus usually had. This made it easier for Hera. The only weird thing was that she was the same age as Percy, it turned out Zeus had had Io twenty years before Thalia, but due to the pact had put her to sleep to hide her. Io had aged slowly, she had awakened a week after the war was over. Many personally thought Zeus had planned the timing. Once she had woken up her body had tried to right itself and made her eighteen. Io became great friends with the Seven, Thalia and others. In fact, Thalia often asked Io to join her in the Hunt. Io kept declining saying something felt off about joining.

It was now two weeks away from when Annabeth and Percy were going to go to New Rome to go to college. Annabeth had helped him get his GED and things were going really well between them. They had found a small apartment in New Rome together and decided to try out living together.

As Percy came down the hill he could see the camp was buzzing as usual. He decided to stay hidden to surprise Annabeth. He snuck around everyone until he could find her, which was with Io at the beach. He thought he would surprise them both.

"Hello there," he said with a smirk on his face. The two women jumped to their feet, immediately bring out their weapons.

"Who are you and how did you get into camp," Annabeth harshly asked. Percy was confused at this.

"Is this a joke Wise Girl?" Annabeth narrowed her eyes at him.

"What did you call me?" Percy stood there for a moment shocked.

"Annabeth it's me Percy."

"Do you know this boy," Io asked, giving a quick glace to Annabeth.

"Never saw him in a day in my life." Percy was hurt as he realized they were not joking in the slightest.

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