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So yes to fight scene, got it! Next chapter will not be out until this weekend. Enjoy this though!

Out of the shadows stepped Percy, he did not look like the boy in the picture. He was wearing full black that covered him from head to toe, his red eyes were a darker than before, almost black and the way he held himself, it was totally different. It was not relaxed, instead like a predator stalking its prey.

"You," Chaos growled, but his voice was different, it had a feminine voice, that his soldiers assumed was Cosmos. Percy's body smirked, something that made everyone there tremble as they felt something was slithering over their bodies.

"Hello again."

"What do you want?"

"A deal."

"Why would we deal with you," Chaos/Cosmos hissed. "You got our brother killed."

"I believe you killed him," It retorted in a calm tone.

"Only because you gave us no other choice," Chaos/Cosmos yelled. It narrowed their eyes, practically making the red disappeared.

"Do not yell at me for your brother's mistake of letting me in. At the time I was only doing what was natural to me."

"It seems this time is no different," Chaos/Cosmos sneered. "Trying to take the soul of one of my soldiers."

"I was ordered," It bellowed. "It is not like I wanted to!" This caused Chaos/Cosmos to come up short. "When I possessed your brother I was like a wild animal that only did on instinct. In this boy's body I am more civil and powerful. I do not understand since he is only a demigod, but it is true."

"So you don't want to take souls," Bell asked. It looked at her.

"I never said that, after all that is what I do to live in a host. If I do not take souls, then I will take my host's soul and thus expelling from the body. That is true even now. I have been fed monster souls as of recent and that has held me over."

"How long do you last in between souls?" It seemed to grow agitated.

"Your wrench of a mother wondered the same thing and tested it. It took a year in between times before I was about to take Percy's soul. It was painful though after six months because it was like I was starving myself, but still was able to hold out."

"Athena has the power over you then." Chaos/Cosmos commented. It now was fully angered.

"Do not say that bitch's name. I am appalled at how she found out to control me. I want my freedom, which is why I have come to make a deal. I want you to help me by getting rid of that bitch's hold on me. Do that and I swear I will only take souls that are corrupt or monster's souls."

"Why should we trust you," Chaos/Cosmos hissed. It looked annoyed.

"Because as I told Hestia I keep my oaths. It is the one thing I do not break and the one thing that matters to me."

"Why is that," Bell asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

"None of your business girl. So are you in or out."

"What about Percy," Hestia asked. "What will happen to him?" It gave her a look like she asked a really stupid question.

"He will be asleep inside of me, never to reawaken. Simple, plus without the pictures you just showed all of them they did not remember. Give it a year and they will forget for the most part, give it two and most likely all that will be left is a dream. The spell will work its magic and none the wiser, not even him."

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