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I am sorry guys for another A/N, I am hoping that it won't happen again, however I was tagged. I do not totally get it but I'm going to try my best. I will have a chapter out later as usual.

So I was tagged by RaptorAtel. So here we go.


1.) You have to post the rules. That way nobody has any excuse NOT to do it.

2.) You must tag 13 people to do this so they can suffer....(I'm really just doing this for the shit and giggles so.)

3.) You need to way thirteen things about yourself.

4.) You must answer all 13 questions

5.) You must write 13 questions for the people who tag must do.

6.) You CANNOT, and MAY NOT say: 'I don't like tags" or anything along those lines as an excuse not to do this.

7.) Tag backs are allowed.

8.) You must do this within a week. Don't know why, but yeah.

9.) Be creative with your title. (I tried and think that I wasted a really good title name.)

10. You have to put this in one of your stories, NOT in the comments.

Moving on, they put 13 Things About Them and I don't know if that is needed, but I will do it and then answer the questions that they asked.

Things About Me!

1.) I am 23. I feel old, slightly.

2.) I used to get into trouble for reading in school. Like books would be pulled away from me.

3.)  I am in the Bro Army. People who watch Youtube will understand.

4.) I  am playing Assassin's Creed Unity right now. We just got a Playstation 4 as a family gift.

5.) Weird  as it  seems I don't like any types of melons. Watermelon, Cantaloupe, they don't have enough taste in my opinion.

6.)  I live in Ohio! We have bipolar weather. Like seriously on December 23rd of this year my best friend and I walked outside for hours and only a thin hoodie was needed to keep warm!

7.)  I live in the country, like I have fields and woods. The closest neighbor to me and a quarter of a mile away.

8.) I cuss like a sailor in real life, specially playing video games. Not in front of my parents though, though they can no longer punish me for cursing they chew me out. It isn't worth it.

9.) Yes, I still live at home while I go to school. Hey, being an adult is hard. Supporting yourself is harder.

10.) I am indecisive. I always question myself causing me to think if things are worth it.

11.) I don't like change that much. I usually to follow my norm, though with my best friend I am always trying new things. This does not bother me.

12.) I went on a blind date once. It wasn't that bad, but led no where. We chat as friends every once and a while.

13.) My name get's said wrong a lot. My first name is Seka. It is pronounces different than written. The E in my name makes a long A sound. The A in my name sounds like a short A sound. I will not be telling you my last name because the two together is so unique I can be found instantly, I am pretty sure I am the only one in the United States with me first and last name. I have never met someone with my name, but I do know the exist.

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