They Don't Suspect A Thing

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More than double the last chapter! This is just a introduction to them getting involved in where they need to go and such. This does have some OCs, but nothing big. Like I created a new Queen of the Amazons. Stuff like that. Happy Reading!

Camp Half Blood

Sadie and Bruce wore scrappy clothes and ran into Camp Half Blood, where everyone was stationed. The conch horn was blown signifying their arrival. Lupa, Chiron, and four other demigods met them.

"Even in crisis demigods still are coming here," Lupa snorted.

"It is not their fault," Chiron chided her. Lupa glared at the centaur, but didn't say anything. Chiron turned to Sadie and Bruce.

"Welcome children I bet you have many questions."

"Hey," Sadie said with a smile. "I'm Sadie and this is Bruce. We are children of Aphrodite and Hephaestus. The demigods looked surprised at this.

"You already know your godly parent," the only female asked. Bruce nodded.

"Yes, they help us get here. Said something about a war and needing help." The tallest demigod frowned.

"Of course they get more to come and die for them."

"Kyle," one of the other males warned him, "you shouldn't talk about the gods like that." Kyle didn't care for his warning.

"You know it as well as I Oliver that the god just see us as tools to use." Thunder rumbled above. The female put her hand on Kyle's.

"Let's talk about this later." Kyle snorted and walked away. The girl turned to Bruce and Sadie who were just watching.

"Sorry it had been a stressful day yesterday. Many of our friends died, my name is Rose." What Rose didn't know was she was looking at to of the warriors that had killed her friends yesterday. "I am the leader of the Greek camp and Kyle is my co leader. This is Oliver and Jace, they are the Praetors of New Rome. Chiron here is a centaur and is the Head of the Greek Camp while Lupa is a goddess and Head of the Roman camp.

"Pleasure to meet all of you," Sadie remarked happily.

"Since they are Greek we will leave them to you Rose," Jace told her. Rose nodded and the others left.

"Follow me." So they quietly as Rose talked they went passed several pyres and though they were part of the cause they knew it had been necessary. This did not mean they did not feel bad about it. Suddenly they came up on a cabin that had many statues around it.

"What is this," Bruce asked

"This cabin is in honor of the people who fought in the last two wars. Their stories have been passed down over the years."

"May we see?" Bruce was curious as he got closer he noticed several statues of his friends.

"Of course." She led them in, it was bigger on the inside. "Each statue has a description of the person and what they did to make them Heroes. Go ahead and look. Sadie and Bruce were surprised as they looked and seen what was written about each person. They were three fourths through when both stopped and stared at a pair of statues.

"Ah, Silena Beauregard and Charles Beckendorf. They are placed together because they were lovers. Both of them courageously sacrificed themselves for the Second Titan War. It is said that their love was pure and transcended life itself."

The Hunt

Two dark haired girls that looked exactly alike tracked several foot prints.

"They are close," Luna said to Mist. Mist nodded and followed Luna. They had run a hundred more feet when they heard the snap of a bow. Both girls hid behind trees.

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