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Hello everyone! I hope that you are enjoying this so far! The above picture was made purposely for this book by Demiprimordialgal. Thank you! Happy Reading Everyone!!

Percy woke up could and with a killer headache. He opened his eyes, well he thought he did. He tried again and again he was met will darkness so black that it felt that his eyes were closed. He had no idea where he was. His head was pounding just enough that it made it annoying to think, but he did. He tried to remember what had happened to end up in this place. He grounded himself by thinking of Annabeth, which did the trick. He remembered going back to camp, getting confronted by Annabeth and Io. How they didn't remember him. Then the gods. The gods making everyone forget him, making him immortal, and then nothing. They must have locked him up like they said they would. How dare they! After all he had sacrificed already to help them, they took his freedom, they broke his trust. His own father had helped and chained him. He stood shakily, the darkness throwing off his sense of balance for a moment. Once he was able to stand properly he decided that he would escape. He went to make an earthquake, nothing happened, not even the tug in his gut he usually felt. That was weird, he tried to call some water, no dice. He reached down for his pocket and realized that he had been redressed in thin cotton shorts and that was all. No wonder he was so cold. He had nothing, but that wasn't going to stop him as he moved around. He took ten steps right and ran right into a wall. The bad part was that it was electrified and threw him back. His retinas burned against the light that had come with the shock. He stood up, his body achy. So he would have to be careful not to touch the walls. He moved, slowly this time, trying to sense the walls. Thankfully his heightened senses allowed this, now that he paid attention. He felt the charge on the wall as he got close. He stayed close to the wall and traveled around the room. It's how he figured out that it was circular in shape. He then decided to go to the other side, he took almost twenty steps before he felt the wall. It seemed that whoever had put him in here had placed him directly in the middle. He again walked around the room several times, looking for a weak spot, he found none. There was no exit from what he could tell. That was depressing.

He heard a crackle behind him and turned. A soft glow, that his eyes quickly got used to, appeared. The soft glow grew to a woman who had a frown on her face.

"Hello Percy," Hestia said quietly.

"Hestia," Percy said warily. He didn't quiet trust her, after all he had trusted his dad and look where that got him. With her light he quickly scanned the room. Just like he had felt, a circular room. It had no window, no doors, nothing in it besides the two immortal beings. He could see the ceiling and so it reminded him of being in a can.

"I am sorry Percy," Hestia said after a moment, letting him look around. His eyes narrowed in anger.

"If you're so sorry, why am I here?" She sighed.

"Not all of us agreed with your sentencing Percy. Some of us had no choice. There are five of us that did not wish this, though only Hades and I spoke up. We were immediately threatened. Hades with having Hazel being put back in the Underworld and I well, let's just say even though I am a maiden goddess it does not mean that I do not fall in love. This was news to Percy.

"You love someone?" Hestia smiled at him.

"Everyone loves Percy, just different types. But yes, I had a human that has caught my fancy. Though it will never grow to a real relationship, I do not wish him harm because of me. Even though he is dead Zeus can enforce that Hades put him the Fields of Punishment."

"I do not wish for anyone to be hurt because of me either," Percy told her. "Who were the other three?" Hestia paused.

"That is a secret for now. I came here with one of their help and only have so much time. You are trapped in a room made by Hephaestus, specially made for you. You are to live here in darkness forever. We are supposedly not to have contact with you, but I bet that Zeus won't follow his own law. The five of us will do our best to help you while you are in here and help you get out. I cannot say when, but we will try our best." Percy looked hopeful hearing this. He had five people that still cared about him.

"Thank you Hestia and tell the others thank you." He gave her a big smile and she returned it.

"Before I leave I gifted you with something when you were in the throne room. My blessing." Percy looked puzzled than her remembered the warm feeling he had felt when his fath....Poseidon tried to take away his water abilities. Speaking of water abilities.

"I can't use any powers in here. I tried." Hestia sighed.

"I thought as much, however Hephaestus only blocked the water and earth abilities you have. My blessing will be diminished, though still usefully enough to hopefully keep you warm and able to light up the room. Usually you would also be able to make meals and flash with fire, but this room is directly made so nothing can just appear. To even get in and out it takes two people. One to man the controls so the other can get in." Suddenly her body started to fade, she frantically looked at Percy.

"Don't let anyone but me catching you use fire and remember to not give up hope," she got to say before she disappeared completely.

Percy stared at where Hestia had stood for a moment and then sat on the ground. Though he was happy to have five people on his side this totally sucked. There was no escape from this prison. He was about to try out the fire ability to produce fire he felt the electricity and the air become heavier. A moment later Zeus appeared.

"What do you want," Percy hissed. Zeus smirked.

"Is that any way to treat the person who holds the power over what happens to you?" Percy stood and faced Zeus.

"I don't care who or what you are. You took me from my friends and family, you betrayed me, and took my freedom. So tell me drama king why I should give a dam about you and what you want?" Zeus's face turned an ugly shade of purple as Percy smirked at him. Percy was flung back into the wall as Zeus used winds to hold him there. Percy was electrocuted. His mouth was opened in a silent scream as he could smell his hair and skin burn. Zeus loved seeing Percy in pain and added more charge, if Percy would have been still a demigod he would have been toast long ago. Percy couldn't think as the pain flooded his body, until he finally went numb from the nerve endings being burned off. That's when Zeus finally got bored and he let Percy fall in heap onto the ground. Percy looked like a burn victim from a bad fire, he was so charred. He was black and looked like if he was simply touched he would fall to ashes. Since he was immortal though, it would take more than that to make a newly made immortal fade. What Percy didn't know was this room was also made so that he wouldn't die. Meaning that only after a few minutes of him numbly twitching on the ground he was fully healed. He barely got time to register that before he was thrown against the wall for a second bout. Zeus was going to have all the fun he could.

The passing days were a blur for Percy. He was either being tortured by Zeus, in some new way he found each time, or he was curled up on his side trying to sleep. It was only when he slept that he let Hestia's gift keep him warm. Thankfully he could always tell when someone was entering even when he was asleep. Even with all the torture Percy did not break, he was still hopeful for a way out. This pissed Zeus off to no end and he hurt Percy only more, letting other's join in. Join they did, sometimes many would come together and torture him, that was the worst. The most horrible duo was Athena and Zeus. With her smarts and his want to control Percy it made time with them unbearable. Time kept passing and Hestia was only able to visit a couple times that were spaced a while apart, at least from what Percy could remember. As the time continued it made no sense to Percy, since he was in the room he had no way to tell the passage of time. His mind began to get twisted, but he still tried to hold hope. Years passed by and no one but the Olympians were the wiser to whom they had and what they did.

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