Here's Johnny

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Here this is! Hope you all enjoy. Today has been a humdinger so I figured I would put this up now. 

Planet C

Bell had a troubled night of sleep. She had been dreaming of a boy, but she had no idea who he was. This dream came every once and a while and she had no idea what to make of it. She was standing, overlooking water on a beach when a boy with black hair and eyes that matched the sea appeared next to her He turned and smiled. She did the same. The weird part came next, he grabbed her hands and led her into the water. She should have been scared as she was pulled under water, but she felt calm and at peace as her head was submerged in the water and the boy pulled her farther into the water. The water was beautiful and so were the eyes of the boy who held her hands. An air bubble appeared around them and even though she had been totally under the water a moment ago she was dry. The boy cupped her face with his left hand. She closed her eyes for a moment only to open them again when she felt his lips on hers. Her body moved on its own as she kissed him back. It was slow and gentle, like a gentle summer breeze. She loved it and tried to deepen the kiss, but the boy pulled away giving her a sad smiled. He opened his mouth to say something....

"Bell time to get up," she heard a voice call. No she wanted to know what the boy had to say. Like now she was always cut off before he spoke. "I said get up!" The warmth left Bell's body as her covers were pulled away. Bell groaned and opened her eyes to see the smirk of one of her best friends.

"One of these days I'm going to beat you for doing that Mist."

"I'd like to see you try." Bell gave her a smug smile.

"Who is team leader and who is third in command here?" Mist frowned.

"I swear you and Ambrose cheated." Bell laughed as she got up.

"We did not such thing. It can't be helped that we were easily able to trick you all during training." Mist pouted.

"Friends don't trick other's."

"All is fair in love and war. It was war Mist. As you see I got Ambrose too."

"That brain of yours never quits does it?" Both women playfully bickered a bit more as they both got ready together since they shared the room. When they finally got out Ambrose was leaning on the wall near the door.

"It sounded like clucking chickens in there with both of your mouths running." Both women glared at him.

"I swear Ambrose wait until training and I will whip your ass." Ambrose gave a mischievous grin.

"Only if you can catch me." With that Ambrose ran off to annoy Serenity and Luna. He didn't show it, but he was nervous going back. He was about to do the very thing he had tried to do once and didn't accomplish. Mist and Bell kept moving to make sure everyone was up and getting ready to leave.

"You were having that dream again weren't you," Mist said out of nowhere. Bell stopped and turned to her.

"How did you know?"

"You were smiling in your sleep. I think it is the only time I see you do that." That was because most of the time when Bell dreamed she had nightmares. Chaos had offered to take them away, but for some reason she refused. It felt wrong to get rid of them. Bell started to move again.

"It is that boy that I always see, but never hear what he says."

"Why don't you ask Chaos about it?"

"Complain about the best dream, no."

"Then have him get rid of your nightmares. Lightning did." Bell sighed.

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