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I know that this chapter is short, but the next chapter is talking about where each group goes(you will understand by then end). So this chapter had to be cut off. I still wanted to give you guys a chapter though, so here it is! Happy Reading!

Chaos's army disappeared and the being in the black cloak stood still as did everyone else. They were frozen from what they had just witnessed. A moment passed when the being suddenly jerked to look at the demigods and gods. In a flash he was in front of Ares, who stumbled back. It lifted its arm.

"Stop," Athena ordered. The being froze and turned its head towards her. Everyone tensed, they were ready for it to turn on her too, even though she had brought it here. It didn't move as Athena walked to it.

"Come." They flashed away to Olympus. The other gods followed after instructing the demigods to heal their injured and bury their dead. Then afterwards they would be back. The gods stood in a circle around Athena and the being. It tilted his head at her.

"I said the beings in black not anyone else," she scolded it. A moment of silence passed.

"I don't care that they ran, that was your fault for letting them go." Another pause.

"Only after you have fulfilled our deal." The being was then standing right in front over her, it didn't seem like it liked being bossed around.

"No, you will listen to me. After all you have to. I made the sacrifice and you can only have your freedom after you defend us. That is the deal. Defeat Chaos and his army you get to roam the universe free to do what you want but for hurt us." She waved her hand.

"Now I order you to return to your cell and stay." It didn't move for a moment and then in a blink it was gone.

"What was that," Apollo asked. He among others had no clue what had just happened. Only three in the room knew what he being was.

"A being fighting on our side due to a deal," Athena coolly explained. She had no want to tell the others.

"What is it called?" Artemis asked. Of all the hunts she had done she had never met a being like that.

"It does not have a name because it is very rare and the only being in the universe like itself." Athena explained, choosing her words wisely. "Now no more questions. We must help the demigods." She flashed away just to stop the questions.

Planet C

"What do you mean you don't know," Viv asked, her red hair slightly frizzled from the hood she had been wearing.

"Even together you are not strong enough to defeat this being. "With it being on the gods' side it does not look good for us."

"I have a question," Lightning asked. "Is the thing we saw also possessing someone or thing?" Chaos nodded.

"Yes, it is. Dark energy does not have a body of its own and does have to possess another to mess with our world."

"So couldn't we just find out who the being that it possessed is," Bell asked, catching on to what Lightning was saying. "If we do that then maybe we can figure out how to make the Dark energy leave its host." Chaos thought for a moment.

"I think it is the only chance that we have," he finally said. "Bruce and Sadie you will go to the camp posing as demigods. Find out what you can. Bell and Ambrose you have the most knowledge of Olympus so you will check there. Luna and Mist will go and check out the Hunt. Lightning and Quynn will go check out the Amazons. River and Brayden see if the monsters know anything. Zayin will back up Bell and Ambrose, Lyre will back up Bruce and Sadie. Viv will back up Luna and Mist, Kline will back up River and Brayden, and Lily will back up Quynn and Lightning. Merlyn, Lykos, Sapphire, and Serenity will here."

"Yes, sir" they all said. Chaos snapped his fingers. Sadie's, Bruce's, Bell's, Ambrose's, Luna's, Mist's, Lightning's, and Quynn's appearances' changed.

"Play your parts well and we may win this yet, because now it isn't just about Earth it is now about the Universe. If we do not stop the gods and the Dark energy than we are all doomed."

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