This Is Madness

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So something really good happened to me today. I know that this chapter is short, but I will be putting another up soon after this one! I need to fix something in it! Happy Reading and thank you for the support!

Two Hundred Years Pass

The Greek and Roman world was in a difficult situation. The two sides were now at each other's throats again. Their ancestor's work was unfolding. It had begun ten years ago when a leader from both the camps got into a fight and the Praetor was killed. Some of the demigods from each side tried to keep peace and negotiate and it worked at first. There were more demigods that wanted to keep peace than to fight. It changed as time passed and more arguments and fights began. The gods did barely anything to help. Many of them had become closed off, again thinking that they were too great to be messed with their children's problems. Now after nearly two hundred years the camps were asking for the portal to be closed and to be cut off from one another. The leaders had agreed to this knowing that if they tried to force the two camps to stay together that it would eventually lead to a civil war again. So it was done, both camps were separated by the entire Northern Union, what used to be the United States.

Things still did not get better as two more years passed. The monsters had begun to run rampant and many demigods were dying outside of their borders of safety. Many prayed to the gods and only five helped in the small ways that they could. It was not enough as the world became more and more dangerous. The monsters started to also attack mortals, who thought the mass murdering were either serial killers or natural disasters depending on the circumstances. One being saw the falling of the Earth under the gods control and he decided that he had had enough.

Olympus Throne Room

Twelve gods sat in their thrones and one by the hearth when the lightning flashed. This was strange, because it was the signal the Zeus used to call meeting's but everyone was here since Hades had been kicked off the counsel. He had too many altercations with his younger brothers and they had kicked him off.

"What do you want," Hades asked as he melted from the shadows. He had seen his brother's call.

"Nothing," Zeus lashed out, "someone used my call for a meeting."

"I wanted you all here," an unfamiliar voice echoed around him. The majority of the gods stood, weapons in hand.

"Who are you," Zeus demanded.

"That's no way to treat the creator of the universe," the voice now came from the middle of the room. A tall man stood in his human form in front of he gods. He was wearing a black suit and had short black hair. His eyes were multicolored and ever changing.

"Chaos," Hestia said bowing. The other gods laid down their arms, turned into their human forms, and followed suit.

"Rise, I have not come here for you to grovel at my feet. I came here to negotiate with you." All the gods stood.

"What do you mean," Zeus asked warily, he didn't like that he had to bow to another being.

"Your rule has become progressively worse, especially in the past two hundred years. I have come to see if you will give up you thrones willingly or will it come to war?" The room was totally silent as Chaos finished his statement, well for a moment and then it was a total uproar.

"Shut up and be civil for once," Chaos yelled over them. That quieted them down enough for the majority to glare at him. Zeus stepped forward.

"You might be Chaos, but you have no right to suddenly come to Earth a demand that we either hand it over to you or you will go to war with us." Chaos matched Zeus, so that they were practically nose to chin, Chaos was taller.

"I have every right after watching what you have done to the innocent here on this planet. I created an army so that the innocent would be saved and that is what they will do if you do not accept my gracious offer. If you gods hand over your thrones I will allow you to hold your immortality and powers to a degree. This planet however, will be ran by me and whoever I choose to rule it. Take it or leave it." Normally any being in Zeus's position would be quivering with fear, the creator of the universe toe to toe with them. Zeus was too prideful and arrogant to be though.

"You can send you army, but they will lose," Zeus stated. Many of the gods around them were shocked at Zeus's answer, though many agreed to a point. Only the five gods that had been against Percy's imprisonment were appalled and fearful. They knew that they had no chance of winning.

"So be it," Chaos blankly stated. He had been in their presence enough and it was agitating. "Expect retaliation for this soon Zeus, for it will be the last thing you remember. None of you will survive."

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