The Past

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A Twist!!!!!!!!! I told you there would be another!!!! I hope you all like it! I think it makes it different than other stories. 

Percy and Sol stood in a room with barely any light in it.

"Better than where they held me for basically two hundred years," Percy said as Sol looked around the endless room.

"Where are we?" Percy shrugged.

"If I had to guess our inner consciousness, after all it is only you and I here." Sol nodded as it made sense.

"You know I never thought I would see you again," Sol told Percy. Percy gave a small smiled.

"Yeah, me either. Though you being in charge has given me a lot of time in here."

"What have you been doing in here?"

"Mostly looking at memories. At first it was just mine. I replayed all of my happier times over and over again. After all, it was taken from me and I was tortured for so long. After I finally accepted that there was nothing that I could do your memories started to appear for me to watch." Sol gave him a guarded look.

"My memories." Percy frowned.

"Yes, your memories. You haven't forgotten after all this time, I know you haven't. It might have taken for you to be in a host to remember, but you have. What Void did to you and Cosmos." Sol paled.

"You know nothing." Percy shook his head.

"I know everything and you know it. After all you took the appearance of your original human form." Sol looked down to see that Percy was right. He was no longer in the boy's form, but in a man's body, the body he had picked to come to this universe. Though he was a fully grown man, both males stood at the same height, but their build was different. Percy had a lean body of a swimmer, while Sol had the body of a bodybuilder. Instead of medium length, raven, black hair, like Percy, Sol had light blonde hair that went to the middle of his back even with it in a hair tie. Sol's eyes were neither red nor sea green, but a lovely violet. His face took on a sterner appearance than the laid back teen. When Sol looked back to Percy, Percy smiled at him.

"Don't you miss her, Cosmos. Unlike what Order, Chaos, and Cosmos thought, Cosmos was never a child of Void." Sol shook his head.

"No, she wasn't she is my mate." Sol's eyes gathered tears. "Taken away from me by Void." Sol looked at Percy. "Unlike what Void thought we never came here to over throw him. We were only curious at this Universe we had found on mistake."

"I know," Percy said quietly.

"We thought he was friendly at first. He welcomed us only to steal Cosmos's memories and make me swear to him. I did and served him for years while Cosmos got along with his children. Final Order accidently let me escape his father's control and in doing so made me lose control inside his body. I attacked Cosmos. I can't believe I almost killed her. Then I was pushed into darkness. Until I came to you. How were you able to bring me back from the brink?" Percy smiled as he stepped forward to hug the energy being that did not belong in this universe. Sol let Percy hug him until Percy pulled back to answer him

"I do not know Sol, but I do know that we need to stop Athena?" Sol's eyes widened.

"Her necklace has Cosmos's memories." It was the only thing powerful enough to bind him to her. Percy nodded.

"Yes, and right now she is making very good use of its control over you." Percy swiped his hand and an image appeared. Percy's body, controlled by Sol, thus controlled by Athena, was fighting against Chaos and his soldiers. None were down yet, but it wouldn't be long as they all looked exhausted. Not only them, but someone had let the gods and demigods out of their cages. They were fighting back against the gods who had partnered themselves with Athena and Zeus.

"What can we do?"

"Let me have control," Percy told him. "You cannot disobey her, but I can. Give me control to kill her and I will get the necklace. With it away from everyone you will be free." Sol shook his head.

"If I give you control I will feed on your soul. It is natural for me to do so and I cannot help it. After all a I need energy to survive and the best energy source is souls. To make this trade I need more energy and your soul would be the one at risk." Percy shrugged.

"I will take my chances. The more time we waste over this the more of a chance my friends will die. The more chance that Chaos will die and thus Cosmos." Sol nodded, knowing that Percy was right.

"I will try my best to keep from taking your soul Percy. It is up to you now." They shook hands and a bright light enveloped them.

In Battle

Bell and Ambrose attacked Sol as he was trying to get at Sin and Merlyn. They were all exhausted, but they had to try. It seems that they were too exhausted as Sol turned abruptly aiming to kill Bell. There was no stopping the attack as it came towards her. She closed her eyes, waiting for the strike to end her. I never came and so she opened her eyes. Sol/Percy was paused with his hand ready to strike her. It was like was a statue as the winds died down slightly.

"What is going on," Athena yelled. Sol/Percy's head moved and Bell was surprised not to see glowing red eyes.

"Sol," she asked. Sol/Percy stood straight and took of the hood and mask. Bell was met with the sea green eyes from the pictures and the dream.

"Not quite." Percy's voice was slightly higher than Sol's and much lighter than the serious tone that Sol used.

"Kill her," Athena yelled, not being able to see Percy's eyes.

"Percy," Bell asked. Percy winked and easily grabbed her dagger from her, keeping it out of the view of Athena.

"This ends here Wise Girl," Percy told Bell. In a swift motion, just as fast as Sol, Percy was standing in front of Athena. When Athena saw the sea green eyes she gasped.

"You can't be conscious." Percy gave her a malicious grin.

"Goodbye bitch." With that Percy plunged the dagger into Athena's heart and let winds explode from the dagger, tearing her to shreds. Out of the shreds Percy grabbed the necklace and then turned to Zeus.

"You're next." Zeus took a step back as he brought out his Master Bolt. It didn't matter as Percy was in front of him as quick as he was in front of Athena. Zeus didn't have time throw his bolt as Percy punched him right in the chest. Using his earth shaker powers, he crushed the insides of Zeus, turning him into mush on the inside. Zeus started to his knees only be caught by Percy.

"I'm not done yet," Percy growled, after all he had payback due. Percy used his powers to heat up Zeus's ichor, causing the god to yell and sob in pain that he had never felt before. Percy kept on letting it get higher and higher until Zeus exploded, hot guts and mush going everywhere. It covered Percy head to toe as he looked even more menacing as he turned to the crowd.

"Everyone," Percy began before he clutched his chest and fell to his knees. Bell rushed over to catch him before he fully fell on the ground

"Percy," she asked panicked as he leaned into her. A moment passed until he leaned up. Bell stared as she looked at his eyes. They were neither sea green nor the red she had gotten used to. They were a deep shade of violet.

"Sorry Annabeth, I couldn't risk Percy staying out too much longer or I would have taken his soul."

"Sol?" He nodded and then clutched his chest.

"I need a soul Annabeth or we will both die. Please I need a soul." He collapsed back onto her.

"Chaos," she screamed. Chaos was by her side.

"I heard, I will go fetch a monster." A moment passed, that was totally silent, besides Sol's labored breathing. Chaos reappeared with the Minotaur. Sol laughed.

"You did that on purpose for Percy's sake didn't you?" Chaos gave a puzzled look. "Oh, yeah you still don't remember." Sol mumbled this as he reached for the Minotaur. Frozen in place all it could do was fear as Sol took its soul for energy until it disappeared. Once it was gone Sol was able to stand up and face everyone.

"It looks like explanations and punishments are in store."

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