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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was really busy yesterday and today with several things like grandparents, church, exploding water pipes, family wanting me do twenty thousand things. Yeah, such a great time. This chapter is a longer so I hope it makes up for it. Oh does anyone have any guess on who is who in Chaos's army? I think I have given enough hints for at least nine of them to guess who they are give or take one or two. Well happy reading. 

The twenty reappeared back at Planet C in panic, more Serenity and Sapphire as Merlyn carried Sin trying to heal him at the same time with his gifted ability.

"Chaos we need you," Bell screamed. Chaos felt the panic they were all feeling and teleported to them immediately out of the meeting he was having with a ruler of another planet.

"What is going on?"

"I can't heal Sin," Merlyn said scared. He had the ability to heal everything that he had come across.

"Give him here," Chaos said holding out his arms. Merlyn gave Sin, who was unconscious and trembling, to Chaos. A black aura surrounded them both. Chaos's eyes widened as he tried to assess Sin. He had only felt this once and if his gut was right this was not good.

"Is he going to be alright," Serenity asked crying, she couldn't lose her brother she just couldn't. Sapphire was just as bad crying for her brother.

"I don't know," Chaos said as he let his aura recede. "I am going to try something. I'll be back soon to explain." Serenity sobbed and Luna touched her shoulder.

"Serenity." Serenity twirled and enveloped her girlfriend in a hug.

"I can't lose him Luna." Luna petted Serenity's hair and talked softly to her trying to sooth her. She was not the only one that was upset. Sapphire was sobbing now, not knowing whether the brother that had helped her live again would stay alive himself. Lykos comforted his wife as best he could, usually he would turn into a puppy when she was upset, but this would not fix anything so he stayed in his human form and picked her up bridal style as she latched onto him and cried.

Merlyn had a stoic mask on trying not to cry. His husband in both lives might die without him. Merlyn was never one to freeze and panic in situations like this, but Chaos saying that he didn't know whether Sin would live or not shook him to his core.

"Merlyn," Sadie said. She knew what it was like losing a partner, after all Bruce had died before her last time. She had been wrecked. Merlyn didn't answer so Sadie grabbed his right hand. "Merlyn?" Tears finally started to form in his eyes, his expression going to one of distraught.

"I should be able to heal him. Why couldn't I heal him? Why wasn't I by his side in the battle? We never fight far from one another, but I was more than ten feet away." He was rambling as tears fell down his face. Sadie, hating to see others upset, hugged him. Using her abilities, she tried to calm Merlyn down. It didn't work as his crying turned into sobs. This was something beyond what her ability could stabilize, so she held him why he cried out his pain. Zayin looked to Mist and Lyre. His sister and his wife, he couldn't imagine losing either one of them, the pain of what Serenity, Sapphire, and Merlyn were feeling. At least when Lyre and Mist died so had he, all three together. Chaos returned.

"How is he," Sapphire sniffled, who Lykos was still holding, but had calmed down enough to speak coherently. Chaos shook his head.

"Only time will tell. His soul is severely damaged and what damaged it is something that is not easily fixed. We need to talk about what happened and then we can discuss more about Sin and his condition." He snapped his fingers and they were teleported to the lounge in their normal cloths. Bell started her report.

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