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School was okay so far, because it was the first day there of course was a little homework but I got it done. I was tired last night though and went to bed early. So I didn't get to write, but today I did! Here you guys go! Happy Reading!

Camp Half Blood

Sadie and Bruce had settled into their old cabins. They were surprised at how the camp was. After the dead had had their rights the two camps, that had been enemies decided to have a meeting together, a secret meeting for just the demigods and not Chiron or Lupa. It was held in bunker nine, a place that even the gods had no idea all the areas so they couldn't watch. Sadie was surprised that they found a big enough room to fit everyone, even with the lower numbers.

"Shut up," Kyle said as the meeting was supposed to start ten minutes ago, but everyone wouldn't keep quiet. Since he was a child of Aphrodite, his voice made everyone shut up.

"Thank you Kyle," Jace said as the four leaders stood on a platform. "We have come here today to talk about the gods and this war. It is a war that we cannot win, a war against Chaos."

"What about the being that made the army back off," someone shouted.

"All of you felt the aura that surrounded the being," Oliver said. "It was unnatural and dangerous. Plus, it is being controlled by the gods who clearly have no interest in keeping us alive."

"What is that supposed to mean," a female shouted and others mumbled in agreement to her question.

"If you didn't notice," Rose stated "they did not tell us that it was Chaos's army that we faced. They are using us as tools to fight for them. They left as soon as the fight was over and they did not even come back to their children's burning of shrouds. It is clear to us that they do not care for us. This is not like the wars we grew up hearing stories about. The gods actually cared then and cared about our ancestors. This war we are merely tools, not children." Shouts of agreement were heard. Sadie and Bruce were shocked at the new they were hearing. The gods had been so selfish that they had not even told their children who they were fighting and gave them no choice but to fight.

"That is why we are going to put this to a vote on for both camps, all four of us have agreed on this. Should we surrender to the Chaos troops next tie they come or will we still fight for the gods?" Quiet murmurs settled through the crowd until Jace spoke.

"I know that it is our nature to fight for the gods, but why fight to the death for beings that do not care for us? Why die for their cause?"

"I agree," a boy from the crowd said. "The gods no longer care for us and let us die. I vote that when the Chaos soldiers come back that we surrender to them." Agreements started to be shouted across the room until the whole room was in agreement. It looked like Sadie and Bruce would no longer have to worry about killing more demigods.

With The Amazons

A week had passed that Lightning and Quynn had been with the Amazon's. They had been bunked together at first, to Quynn's horror. Lightning was not the best bunk mate since she snored loudly and Quynn was a light sleeper to begin with. Quynn was thankful when the fight for ranking came the next day. Both girls had swept the floors with their opponents and only stopped when they came to Chloe. All the Amazons had been impressed and because they ranked so high Chloe asked them to be here personal guards. Quynn had accepted as long as she could have a room to herself. Chloe had no problem with it and let her. Lightning didn't are either way so had agreed. After that it was like a cake walk. The biggest things that happened every once and a while was when Phobos IM Chloe. It was a constant fight between the two which often led to Chloe cutting of the message. It was the same thing over and over again, which drove Quynn nuts. Phobos commanding that the Amazons come fight and Chloe telling him no, well not in the polite sense, ore like told him to screw off. Two more days passed with nothing when instead of messaging Chloe Phobos appeared in the throne room himself. Quynn and Lightning pulled out their spears.

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