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Many of you prolly still have questions about Sol and Cosmos. So here you go. I hope this answers everything. 

First off," Sol started, "did anyone die and does anyone need medical attention?" Sol looked to Apollo.

"There is no one too injured, only a few cuts and bruises," he told Sol. "Also the only ones to die were Zeus and Athena." Sol nodded.

"Good." Hestia stepped forward.

"What happened to Percy?" Sol smiled at her, something she had not been expecting.

"He is sleeping inside, he used too much power to kill the two. Also if he would have stayed out anymore I would have started to take his soul as an energy source."

"Excuse me," Poseidon said coming forward. This caused Sol to tense, after all he the memories of Percy. "Can you please explain what is going on?" Sol narrowed his eyes.

"You are not excused you worthless piece of trash," Sol said starting toward the Sea god, but Hestia grabbed his arm. Sol stopped to look at her.

"He and Hermes released us so we could fight."

"Are you suggesting that it makes up what he did to Percy? What he let happen to him after he betrayed him?!" Hestia shook her head, though she was still mad at her brother what he had done showed that he should have a little bit of say.

"Of course not, but everyone needs an explanation before you go all justice on everyone." Sol sighed and looked at the necklace in his hand.

"Yes, explanations." He put the necklace on and turned to Chaos. "I think it is time for everyone to hear the real truth, what do you think?" Chaos nodded and teleported everyone to Planet C in a big room. All the gods, goddess, nymphs, satyrs, demigods, Chaos's Army, and all others who this news effected was in the room. Many confused on where they were at started to yell.

"Silence," Chaos yelled from the platform in the middle of the room. With his yell the room quieted. On the platform stood Sol and Chaos. Immediately in front of it stood Alpha Team, Artemis, Apollo, Hera, Hestia, and Hades. "You all have been called here because of what has happened on Earth. For those of you that do not know what happened we will give you a quick overview." Between Chaos and Sol the two talked about what had happened in the past two hundred years, plus Chaos told the story about his siblings. The room was in awe at the story. Many cried when it came to Percy and grew angry when Athena and Zeus were mentioned. It took a little over an hour to tell the story without all the small details, for it would have taken much more if not.

"Any questions?"

"I have a question," Poseidon said, everyone turning to him. "Did I really disown Percy?" Sol glared at him. "Yes, you really did disown your own child and betrayed him. The only good child you have ever had. Many glares were added to Sol's that were directed at Poseidon.

"I do not remember why I did so, but I should never have listen to my brother. I am sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it Sea god, you betrayed your own son and if he were awake right not he would be agreeing with me. Because of your betrayal along with others he suffered years of torture to only have me shoved inside him. Trust me, in the beginning it was not a good thing. I don't think Percy will be forgiving you any time soon, even if you did finally stand up to your brother." Poseidon gave a sullen look.

"I will make it up to him." Sol snorted and moved his gaze away from Poseidon.

"I have more to explain, but before I do I think some punishments for certain gods and goddesses are due." Sol turned to Chaos. "What do you think?" Chaos nodded as said gods and goddesses tried to flash out to no avail.

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