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Wohoo! Another chappie! The fight has begun, what has happened to Sol? (I gave a hint in an earlier chappie *wink wink*) 

Chaos stood in his father's library staring at the book in front of him frustrated. He had been at this for over a month now and he wasn't any closer to an answer then when he first started! There was nothing in the library that held the key to this problem. He sensed someone praying to him and felt the strong connection of on ally. He decided to check out who was trying, to communicate to him. He flashed to the position of the being to find Apollo. Apollo had a grim look on his face.

"What is wrong Apollo?"

"They found out about us, Zeus and Athena. They are holding Artemis hostage demanding that you and your Army come here and fight." This was not good, rot good at all.

"We are not ready. I have found no way to break Athena's hold on Sol." Apollo's eyes hardened.

"Are you saying you will abandon us?" Chaos felt the ago coming from the Sun god.

"No, but this a trap, one that can get us all killed. I need to call Bell and see what she has to say on the matter." A moment later Bell appeared.

"Chaos, Apollo?"

"It seems that Athena and Zeus have found out about our deal with Earth. I can only guess that she forced Sol to tell her. I am no closer to figuring out how to disconnect them than I was when I began. Artemis is being held hostage so Apollo would come to us and demand our appearance on Earth. It is a trap, one that can get us all killed. What do you have to say about you and your team?" Bell looked at Chaos straight in the eyes.

"We fight. Artemis and Apollo are both our allies. We do not leave allies behind we fight." Chaos smiled proudly at the commander of the team he had grown close to. Chaos turned to Apollo.

"Let Zeus and Athena know we will be there in a day, no longer, no less." Apollo bowed to both of them.

"Thank you all so much." With that all flashed away with their messages to deliver. The battlefield was prepared for the final fight. The demigods had been locked up in cages, punishment promised once Zeus and Athena's side won. The five gods stood no better as they were now all shackled in Olympian Gold. All that was left was for Chaos and his soldiers to come. Athena had prepared everything.

"Don't you see this is wrong," Hera screamed at the other gods that stood with Zeus. Many turned to her. "You are fighting the creator of the Universe for a god who got all your children killed at one time or another."

"Shut up," Zeus commanded.

"He deliberately set the monsters to kill those demigods two hundred years ago! That wasn't the last time he did that!"

"Shut up!" Zeus was now at the cage and threw his Master Bolt at Hera causing her to cry out. Hestia and Hades both moved in front of Hera, protecting her.

"Don't you dare lay another finger on her," Hestia hissed. The gods started to murmur around them.

"Do not let the lies of a traitor deceive you," Athena yelled. "She lies to make us fail. We will win this war today and we will be the rulers!" Many yelled in agreement, though there were some that eyed Zeus. They were sneaky enough that neither Athena nor Zeus noticed. A blast of wind blew through Athena's and Zeus's ranks. On the other side of the battlefield stood the twenty warriors and Chaos himself.

"This is the last warning," Chaos called. "Give up and you shall not be punished!" Whispers started until Zeus shouted.

"Never! We will stand for our power!" Chaos glared at Zeus.

"Are you for sure father," Mist called stepping forward. She took over her cloak to reveal herself. Zeus paled.


"She isn't the only one," Zayin came forward also revealing himself.

"Jason?" Soon everyone in the Alpha team was facing their parents, their true faces showing. Many were shocked at this unfolding.

"How," Hermes asked. Ambrose shrugged.

"Chaos asked and we became his warriors." Bell stepped forward.

"I think it is time to end this," Bell told Athena. Athena glared at her once favorite daughter.

"You have turned traitor and killed your legacy's and siblings. There is no forgiveness for traitors." Bell sighed.

"So be it. Team Alpha attack!" A roar was heard before anyone could even make a move. The sky grew even darker and the winds picked up. A flash of lightning struck the ground to reveal Sol in the get up he had been in when he first confronted Chaos's Army. His stance was different again. Even on their first introduction he held himself straight, like he was in in total control of his body. Not this time, he was crouched like an animal just waiting to attack.

"It looks like your deal it off," Athena's voice barely overcame the wind. "Kill them all!" With a snarl Sol attacked. Chaos was the first being he faced off. Chaos glowed with his power over Light Energy to barely block Sol's attack. Sol, paying attention to Chaos, did not see the attack by Ambrose that came at him, knocking him away. Sol was immediately on his feet, attacking who had hit him Ambrose, being light on his feet, was barely able to dodge. As Sol turned around he was met with blonde hair and blue eyes. She blocked his attack at a stalemate.

"Percy and Sol I know you are both in there. You need to fight this." Sol growled, like a true animal with no thoughts.

"Please," Annabeth begged. "Come back to us, both of you!"

Sol had no idea where he was. He felt that he was lying down in a room that was dark, since no light touched his closed.

"Are you going to get up?" Sol shot up, since he had not felt another presence near him. It took his eyes a moment to adjust and when they did he couldn't believe him. In front of him, with a smirk and sea green eyes stood Percy Jackson.

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