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I know I said weekend, but I was inspired by all of your 'how dumb can Athena be' comments. So I decided to use the above gif because of all of the smallish cliff hangers and surprise twists I have put in, plus there is more to come!!!!  Happy Reading!

Days passed and each time Sol as conscious was torture. Athena of course hadn't left it as, 'just a walk'. She was no stupid after all. Each time she tortured him into a little more of the truth, even as hard as he tried to keep it from her. Meanwhile the five gods had met with the campers and confronted them about their mutiny. They told the campers that they had been in communication with Chaos and he had agreed to their surrender and that he would let them join him and his army.

Alpha Team prepared to come back and explained what had happened to the others who had not been on Earth. It was a shock to them and though they felt bad they had forgotten a friend, they agreed with Chaos. Sin also woke up. Everyone was happy as Chaos said he would be just fine. Chaos went to his father's library and to his horror found the books that he had so carefully hidden away were gone. Athena had stolen them. He dove into the information that was left in the library trying to find anything that would help them.

After almost a month Athena finally tortured the truth out of Sol. She found out about the other five gods, infiltration of their Chaos's Army into their ranks, the mutiny of the campers, and the deal that Chaos and Sol had made. She then went to her father and told him what she had learned. Zeus of course almost blew his lid when he heard how his wife, children, siblings, and demigods had planned to perform treason against him. He told Athena to prepare for the war. He would make the demigods and gods who disobeyed him useless by using the gods who were on his side against them. He would have the being(Sol) attack and kill Chaos and his army. The father and daughter duo schemed for several more days adding others they knew they could use in their plans. Soon all that was left was to get Chaos and his Army to Earth. Athena, of course, had a plan to do just that.

Camp Half Blood

Days had passed at the camp and things were going smoothly with all five groups agreeing with each other. It was a couple days after the five gods had confessed their loyalty to Chaos that Artemis was called to Olympus. This was not unusual, so Artemis thought nothing of it as she answered he father's call. She should have been more prepared, for as soon as she flashed in an Olympian Gold net was thrown over top of her. She fell to the ground in a heap confused at what was going on as Hephaestus stood beside her, from throwing the net.

"What the Hades is going on," Artemis screeched as she tried to struggle from underneath the net. Zeus, who wore a frown, and Athena, who wore a smirk, appeared before her.

"Did you honestly thing that you could go behind my back, daughter?" Artemis froze at the question and kept her mouth shut. She knew that even if they truly knew everything she would not be the one to confirm their findings.

"Answer me," Zeus thundered, lightning ripping across the sky. Still Artemis said nothing.

"Shall I get her to talk," Athena asked, always despising the Moon goddess. Zeus sighed.

"No, we continue with the plan." Another being flashed in and Artemis was surprised to see her twin. Apollo was confused as he seen her in the net.

"What is going on father," he asked calmly.

"Do not act ignorant son, I know the plan of treason you and the others have cooked up." Apollo's eyes grew cold, which was weird since he was the Sun god.


"As father said," Athena chirped. "We know of your deal with Chaos and have decided to put a stop to it." Apollo was smarter than to admit at the accusation so he decided to feign ignorance.

"I have no idea what you are talking," Apollo was cut off by Zeus.

"Do not finish that sentence," Zeus growled. "If you want your sister to stay safe you will get Chaos and his army hear now!" Apollo looked at Artemis, she was glaring at him, practically growling at him not to do as Zeus commanded. He couldn't though, he couldn't abandon her. She was his twin sister, whether older or younger it was up to him to protect her.

"Yes, father," he said in defeat.

"Don't you dare Apollo," Artemis screamed. Athena was then beside her.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut Artemis. Apollo has made his choice. Athena turned toward Apollo. "I would hurry if you don't want you sister injured." Apollo nodded, with a lump in his throat and flashed away. He had an army to call to Earth. 

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