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Hey guys I have a serious question that I need answered for the next chapter. Do you want a fight seen where they face Percy or do you want it to kind of go another way that probably will not be as climatic? I need your input so I can groom the story for the end. You will have a little bit to comment, for I won't be able to update again until either Tuesday or Thursday depending on school. Happy Reading!

A Couple Days Later

The Hunt was finally called to Camp Half Blood and so now all Chaos's Army on Earth, but Ambrose and Bell, were together again. When Mist and Luna caught Quynn's eye they nodded to her, signifying that they needed to talk. So once the camp fell into slumber the warriors met.

"So what have you found," Mist asked the others.

"The Amazon's do not want to be here," Quynn told Luna and Mist. "They think it is suicide. They have allied themselves with the campers."

"Meaning," Mist asked. After all the unanswered questions she was getting frustrated.

"The campers decided to mutiny," Sadie told the two. "They decided once we come back that they are going to surrender to us."

"What about the Hunt," Quynn asked.

"They are not happy with the war either, but do not say it out right," Mist told them. "You can tell it in their body language though. Also it seems that we have some gods on our side. We caught Hera and Artemis having a secret meeting. It seems that that we did not know lot. It seems that Zeus was the one that planned the monster attack that got rid of most of us two hundred years ago."

"What," Lightning growled. "That piece of shit. I can't wait to have his head on a stick."

"You really are sounding like a daughter of Ares," Quynn teased, which got her glared at.

"How could he do that to three of his children," Sadie asked.

"He is a heartless bastard," Mist growled, mimicking her sister.

"Anyway," Luna continued. "It seems like Hera wants to meet with us and surrender. Also Hestia seems to be on their group, but is missing in action at the moment."

"Anything else," Quynn asked.

"There was one more thing, but it was more confusing than anything. It seems that there was a demigod wiped from history by using some kind of spell. It was so strong that even the gods forget about them. They have forgotten their name and parentage, the only thing they seem to remember is that they are gone. The two thought Hestia might remember though since she visited them."

"That one sounds like a dead end," Lightning said.

"Maybe not," Bruce finally spoke. They all looked at him.

"They said that Hestia visits him right? That means that the demigod is still alive hidden somewhere. Maybe they are the mask figure and still if they aren't they need to be rescued. Who know how long they have been imprisoned."

"Good point," Mist agreed. "We should get the information to Ambrose and Bell, see if they can find anything on the matter."

"Find what," a familiar voice came from the dark. They all turned to find a smirking Ambrose and a frowning Bell.

"You know if they didn't know your voice you could have been attack and I think all six of them good do a lot of damage," Bell reprimanded him. Ambrose shrugged.

"Good to see you two," Mist greeted them. "How is the information on your end."

"Mixed," Bell said. "It seems that we have allies here."

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