Be Prepared

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Just to let you know there are no OCs in this. I just don't want to copy and paste each time I want to use a name so I decided to go generic...Plus a bunch of fancy Greek and Latin names are used. Starting next chapter little by little you'll be able to guess who is who. Anyway Happy Reading!

Planet Zero AKA Planet C

Chaos reappeared in his office pissed beyond belief. He hated dealing with arrogant fools. He should have paid more attention to the gods on Earth, especially after what members of his arm had told him. He had not though, because it was a planet created by his children and they had agreed that he was not to interfere with the planet. The deterioration of it though had him break his promise back then. His children were all asleep, letting the innocent die. When they awoke he would be giving them a sever punishment. For now though, he had to deal with the war with the gods. He was going to send his best warriors, though he doubted he needed to. Any one person in his army was more powerful than the Olympians put together. The thing was that on Olympus he had felt some kind of foreboding and he though it seemed like overkill he would rather be safe than sorry. He called the warriors to his office. He didn't have to wait long until twenty beings entered his office. The team leader, Bell, came forward.

"Lord Chaos." Chaos sighed.

"How many times do I have to tell you and your team Bell before you understand, you have no need in calling me Lord." Bell gave a smile at him.

"How many times do we tell you it is for respect," she retorted. "Now what would you like."

"I never will understand how you say you respect me but use so much sarcasm. Anyway it is time for another mission."

"Where," the second in command, Ambrose, asked.

"Earth. You were right the gods have gotten to full of themselves and have made me force my hand in breaking my promise to my children. The room got tense. Chaos could tell that that they were torn. "Is this a problem."

"No, Chaos," Bell said. "It is just surprising after so much time." That he could understand.

"If you are fine with it go greet them and their children tomorrow. Show them what it means to cross Chaos and his army."

"Yes, sir," all said simultaneously.

On Earth

The declaration of war settled around the throne room until Hestia was the first one to move.

"How dare you," she yelled at her brother. "You have just angered the most powerful being in the Universe and have sentence all of us to death!" Her fire in the hearth grew hotter as she spoke.

"Do not talk to me like Hestia," Zeus commanded, walking over to her.

"I am the King not you." Still steaming mad she did not care.

"No, you are not the king as you so foolishly call yourself, you are an idiot. Zeus would not put up with this and grabbed his Master Bolt to put her in her place. Hades quickly grabbed his arm that held his bolt.

"Don't you dare hurt our sister or you will feel my and the Underworld's wrath." Zeus went to tell him off when Athena spoke up.

"This is not the time to be fighting." Her father had just put them in a bad situation and even though she also did not want to lose her control, she knew how dire their position was. She needed to plan. "Chaos's army will be here before we can do anything if you keep bickering. We need to make plans. I suggest that half of us got the Roman camp and the other to the Greek to explain that another war is coming and they need to work together as much as possible. Do not tell them who or it will probably scare them too much. For now let them think that it is just a small army of beings that we need help with."

"Thank you daughter," Zeus said. "Everyone split and get the camps rallied up."

"I will do no such thing," Hestia said before stepping into her hearth. "I will not have the blood of those children on my hands." She disappeared in flames. The other four really had no choice. Two had demigods that would be fighting that they cared about and the other two would not leave them. They understood why Hestia was so upset and did not hold it against her.

"Leave her be," Poseidon spoke. "She is not much into fighting anyway. Let's just carry on with what we can do." He transformed into Neptune. "Anyone else coming to the Romans?" Mercury, Vulcan, Diana, Mars, and Juno gathered together to go to Camp Jupiter. Hades, Apollo, Demeter, Dionysus, and Aphrodite prepared to go to Camp Half blood. Athena and Zeus stayed back as the others flashed away.

"Is it ready," Zeus asked his daughter.

"Just about, but I think it is good enough that it can be used." Zeus nodded.

"Good. It might be the only chance at winning this war." She looked at her father slightly shocked. So he had been thinking when he went against Chaos. It seemed like things were going to be quite interesting when Chaos's army showed up.

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