True Intentions

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Here is a longer chapter from my recent writings, it is a little over 2000 words!!! So you get to know what is going on in four places this time! Have Fun Reading!

Into The Woods We Go

A week, that is how long River and Brayden had been fighting monsters with nothing to show for it. It seemed like every monster that they came into contact with was so stupid. There had been a few intelligent ones, but they hadn't known anything either. After one particularly big horde that the defeated with again no results River was so agitated that she let out a scream.

"What the Hades!"

"You know it is not proper to use ones name as a cuss word," a male voice came from the shadows. Braydon and River turned quickly, weapons in hand. The god of the Underworld stepped out of the shadows.

"Clarisse de Rue and Chris Rodriguez. If anyone had told me that you guys were alive after two hundred years I would accuse them of lying. Seeing you with my own eyes on the other hand I cannot deny." River growled.

"How did you find us?" Hades smirked.

"You killed several of my Hellhounds and you expect me not to look into it. Now my question, how are you still alive."

"None of your business!" Hades didn't seem to like that as he stepped forward. It was seen as a threating gesture to River and Braydon so they put their armor on, ready for a fight. Hades' eyes grew wide and he took a step back.

"You are part of Chaos's Army."

"We are now River and Braydon, part of Chaos's Alpha Team," Braydon announced. "We are no longer Chris and Clarisse, not after the gods let us die." Hades sneered.

"That was something Zeus had done behind our backs. He thought all of you too strong and had you ambushed. It wasn't until later some of us found out he truth, but the others didn't believe us. My stupid brother of mine and his craze for power. Let's just say that not all of us wanted to go to war with Chaos, some of us wanted to surrender." There was a pause.

"Where do you fall." Braydon finally asked. Hades snorted.

"Where do you think? First, Zeus threatened the lives of my children and in the end he had them killed. If it wasn't for someone I owe I would have tried to kill him long ago."

"Swear it on the Styx," Braydon told him. Hades sighed.

"I swear on the Styx that I am not on Zeus's side." Thunder rumbled, but nothing happened to Hades. Braydon and River let their armor dissipate.

"We are looking for the creature that was brought by Athena, do you know anything about it," River asked. Hades shook his head.

"No, I don't. It seems that only Zeus and Athena do. I have tried to find the answers myself in the shadows, but I have found nothing. Is that what you guys are out here doing. Questioning monsters about it?" Braydon gave a slight nod.

"They will not know anything. You have been wasting your time." Braydon looked to River.

"It is time we inform Chaos." River nodded and looked to Hades.

"It seems like we can trust you. We will be back on Chaos's order." With that they teleported away and Hades was left in the middle of a forest.

The Hunt

Luna and Mist had quickly fallen into routine, after all they had both been lieutenants and it was like riding a bicycle. Atlanta was very surprised about their progress. They were able to shoot as well, they were holding back, as her. During the day they went along with the Hunt and by night they would take turns staying up to spy around. Nothing had occurred out of the ordinary for a little over a week, that changed on the night of a new moon. Mist was taking her turn to watch when she felt the power surge of anther god come to camp. She nudged Luna, who instantly woke up.

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