Chapter 10

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Jordan's P.O.V.

Liam is 1 year old today. He can talk a little and walk pretty well. He's very smart for only being one.

But we're really worried. He's been getting very sick lately. Sam and I decided to take him to the hospital today because he's so sick.

"Momma?" I heard.

Liam was looking at me with his striking blue eyes. They're still exactly like Sam's.

"Yes honey?"

"What's wrong wif me?" He asked and tears were in his eyes.

Sam picked him up and put him on her lap and looked him right in the eyes.

"William Jeremiah, listen to me right now. There's nothing wrong with you. You might be sick or you might be special like me. We don't know yet but there is absolutely nothing wrong with you." She said calmly but fiercely.

Liam smiled and nodded, fully understanding what she said. Like I said, he was very smart.

"Um, Liam? Come on in." A nurse called.

He was probably in his late 20's with quiffed chocolatey brown hair and brownish green eyes. He was attractive but that obviously didn't matter to me.

"Hi buddy! I'm Chase and I'm gonna be with ya for a little while, okay?" The nurse said to Liam with a smile on his face.

"Okay." Liam agreed.

The nurse asked us some questions and took Liam's weight and height. Chase looked concerned but didn't say anything except that he'd like some immediate blood work. Liam didn't mind the needle or the blood so it was easy and quick. The nurse came up to me and Sam and pulled us aside to privately talk to us.

"I'm really worried. We have a few guesses right now but our top two aren't very good. What's worse is that there's a possibility he has both." He said with a frown.

"Well what are the top two?" I asked.

"Lung cancer and diabetes. The blood work hasn't been tested all the way yet but from what I'm seeing, he has both. If he has the cancer, it's only stage 1 and it could be cleared up fairly easy. I know Sam has diabetes so it's very likely Liam does too and that's not too hard to take care of. I'm very sorry. I'll let you know as soon as I do." He talked very calmly.

A look of pure shock and horror was on Sam's face and probably mine as well.

Our son could have cancer? The diabetes thing I can handle, but cancer?

Tears streamed down Sam's face and mine as we thought about this. Sam wrapped her strong arms around my waist and hugged me, burying her face into the crook of my neck.

"He can't have cancer, Jordan! I already went through that with you!" She sobbed.


"Sam, I have cancer. It's not super bad but it's stage two. I am going to get chemo soon. I'm going to be bald! What do I do?!" I cried to Sam.

Shock and worry filled her face before a calm settled over it and a warm, comforting smile filled her face.

"Jordan, we'll get through this together. I promise."

Sam shaved her head with me and got us both really cool snap backs to wear. I cried with happiness and every day she had told me I'm beautiful.

*end of flashback*

"Sam, we can handle this. He will be okay eventually. I know that. It's ok boo." I reassured her.

She nodded and smiled and we walked back in to the room.

We smiled with Liam for an hour or so before Chase came back in. His face was completely unreadable but his eyes betrayed him.

"I'm so sorry....." He whispered.

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