Chapter 13

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Sam's P.O.V.

We spent three hours in Toys-R-Us picking a toy for Liam, mostly because I knocked over a display... Anyway, we finally settled on a toy car. A big one that you can drive. It was a cherry red mustang and it was actually pretty awesome.

I brought the car in and headed towards the pediatric cancer ward where our little guy was moved. The nurses all laughed at me driving the car because I looked pretty funny. Even Jordan started cracking up.

But the best part was Liam's face when I drove in. A smile lit up his whole face and he started laughing. He ran over to me and wrapped his little arms around my neck, squeezing me into a tight hug. He giggled adorably and checked out the car.

"For me, mommy?" He asked.

I nodded and rolled out because I was awkwardly positioned and there was no other way. Jordan and Liam both laughed and I just glared playfully at them.

Liam hopped in and started driving around the floor. People came to their doorways, curious about the sounds and all smiled or laughed when they saw Liam giggling. I chased after him and it's really good that I did.

Liam abruptly stopped and his giggles cut off suddenly. I nearly tripped over the kid.

"Liam? What's wrong sweetie?" I asked.

I picked him up out of the car and looked at him. His face was really pale.

"Mommy, I don't feel good..." He whispered.

"Okay, I'll bring you to the room and momma will get a nurse. Okay?"

I rushed over to his room and brought his to the bathroom and sat him next to the toilet. I grabbed a cool wash cloth and put it on his forehead and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"What happened?" I heard Chase ask.

"He was having a blast on his new car and then he suddenly stopped and said he felt sick. I don't know why." I explained to Chase and Jordan.

They both nodded and Jordan started talking before Chase could.

"It's the chemo. It wears you out and makes you get sick. A lot." She whispered to no one in particular.

And that's when Liam threw up more than I though possible for a one year old.

Chase went to get an IV and a bucket for Liam and Jordan and I patted his back and murmured to him. Liam sat down and rested his head on the cool toilet seat. That's how he was when Chase returned.

"Sam, carry him to the bed and I'll hook him up. He needs to rest and drink water." Chase instructed.


Liam's P.O.V.

I was driving my new car down the hallway when I suddenly felt yucky. My tummy hurt really bad and I wanted to go to sleep.

Mommy came and lifted me up and talked to me. I wasn't listening much. I just said I don't feel good and she brought me back to my new room.

I didn't like the last day. I hadn't been feeling good and I knew everyone was scared. I had cancer. I didn't know what that meant but it made me feel yucky and I didn't like it. Mommy and momma were really scared.

I was in the bathroom and I started to throw up really bad. And then I was in bed. It was all a blur but then the cool guy was putting a needle in me and connected a tube to me. Momma (A/N: mommy is Sam and momma is Jordan) sat by me and held my hand. I smiled at her.

"Hey buddy I'm gonna go get a different toy for you, okay? What do you want to play with in bed?" Mommy asked.

"Spider-Man!" I yelled.

Mommy smiled and kissed my forehead and kissed momma.

"I love you both very much. I'll be back soon."

Mommy left and so did Chase. Momma turned on SpongeBob and I fell asleep, feeling much better.

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