Chapter 7

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*Six months later*

Sam's P.O.V.

The nursery was finally done. And that was good because Liam was due in a week. The little guy was due December 14th. Just one more week.

Today, Jordan and I decided to go see how Peyton was doing. Peyton is Jordan's little sister. Peyton and I were really close and Peyton was thrilled about Liam. Today we were going to tell her that she was his godmother.

"Do you think she'll be happy?" I wondered.

Jordan smiled.

"Duh! She'll be ecstatic!"

I laughed and rested my hand on my tummy, rubbing circles on it. I felt a little nudge.

"He's kicking! The little guy is probably ready to come out already." I told Jordan. She smiled.

We pulled up and saw Peyton on the front swing. She walked over to me to help me out of the car.

"Hey! How's everything, Squirt? How's school going?" I questioned.

She glared at me for calling her that. I've called her Squirt since she was four.

"Everything's fine, Frog. Including school." She shot back.

I glared at her.

"Guys it's snowing. Can we go inside? Sam, being cold won't help you or Liam." Jordan said.

Jordan was constantly worrying about Liam and I. She made me eat heathy and always made sure I did nothing to hurt our son.

"Ok, ok. I'm working on going inside. Happy?" I muttered.

Jordan smiled, knowing she won. I rolled my eyes.

A sharp pain suddenly shot through my abdomen and I stopped. I started breathing heavily.

"Sam! Are you ok? How do you feel?" Jordan rushed over to me.

"Like I'm having a fucking ba-"

"OH MY GOD YOUR WATER JUST BROKE HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!!!!" Jordan yelled, interrupting me.

I walked- more like waddled- over to the car and Jordan got in to the drivers seat. Peyton helped me in before hopping in to the back seat.

"Sam, deep breaths. Just try to stay calm until we get to the hospital. Ok? Deep breaths." Peyton said to me.

I breathed deeply and tried to relax. Fear and excitement raced through my body as I realized I was about to give birth. I was about to bring my son into this world. I felt happy.


Jordan's P.O.V.

We arrived at the hospital and Peyton sprinted in, alerting nurses that my fiancé was about to have our son.

"Sam? How are holding up baby?"

She glared at me like I was an idiot.

"I'm fucking fantastic. What the hell do you think?!" She yelled.

Well then.

I took her hand and she gripped mine tightly.

A nurse rushed up to us and sat Sam in a wheelchair.

"Are you her sister? Friend?" The nurse asked me.

"No. I'm her fiancé. I'm going with you wether you like it or not." I replied sassily.

The nurse nodded and wheeled Sam into an elevator, me close behind.

"Sam just take deep breaths. Take my hand baby." I told her, holding out my hand.

She gripped it and I honestly thought she broke my hand.

Sam was pushed into a room and then put on a weird bed. They put her legs up and spread them apart. (I'm not going into detail..)

A few hours later, after my hand was re broken several times and lots of cussing, I heard a cry.

Not the cry of pain from Sam. A baby's cry. The cry of our son. The cry of William Jeremiah.

"Liam..." I whispered.

The nurse went to clean him off and wrap him up. She was back shortly and suddenly, I was holding the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen.

We got lucky. Liam looked exactly like Sam. His eyes were her color exactly. He had round, chubby cheeks and light brown hair and a little tiny nose. He was adorable.

"Let me.... See him. Come here, Jordan."

I walked over to Sam and gently gave him to her. She smiled and she even teared up.

"Hi Liam. We're your mommies. Hi little buddy." She cooed to him.

I wrapped my arms around my family and gently kissed both of their foreheads.

"This is what a really happy family looks like, boo." I whispered to Sam.

And I swear I saw our son smile up at me.

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