Chapter 18

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Sam's P.O.V.

I woke up next to Jordan, her arms securely wrapped around my neck and her face buried in the crook of it. My arms were around her waist as usual.

"Jordan.... Wake up babe." I whispered in her ear. She stirred but didn't wake up.

I leaned in and kissed her. This kiss wasn't rushed or panicked. It was soft and slow. It was building up with all of our love that had been out to the side for the past two months.

Jordan was obviously awake as her lips moved in sync with mine. I pulled her impossibly closer, feeling her warmth press up against me. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue and she granted me access. My tongue explored her mouth and then we fought for dominance.

"Mommy? Momma?" I heard a voice ask.

I pulled away from Jordan and let out a groan. I buried my face into the pillow while Jordan went to Liam.

"What's up sweetie?"

"I awake now." He said.

"Sam, you have your interview today. For that movie, remember? It starts at two and it's ten right now. Get a shower and get dressed." My fiancé instructed me.

I laughed and nodded before heading to shower and change.

*2 1/2 hours later*

"Bye Liam. Bye baby. See you guys later!" I said goodbye.

Jordan kissed me lightly and smiled. "Good luck boo. Just be yourself. Love you."

"Bye mommy! Luff you." Liam said.

I grinned. "Love you both! Bye guys."

I walked to my car and got in. I drove the hour drive to the meeting place for my interview and decided to get a coffee to calm my nerves.

Soon enough, I was in the office sitting across from a guy a few years older than me. He had blonde hair that was styled into a quiff and dark brown eyes.

"Hi, Sam, I'm Levi Simmons. As you know I'm now casting for my new movie, Catching Fire. Our Katniss quit so we need a new one immediately......."


Jordan's P.O.V.

Liam and I were waiting for Sam to get home. It was 5 o'clock and she'd be home Amy minute.

I heard a car door shut and a few moments later, Sam walked in. She was frowning and her body was slumped sadly.

"I'm sorry, Sam... It's their loss." I said to her.

She looked at me in confusion.

"What loss?" She asked and then a huge smile lit up her whole face.

"You got it?!"

She nodded. "Yup!"

I hugged her tightly and Liam wrapped his arms around her legs.

"Jordan, I'll get enough money to pay off all of our bills. I got the lead role. I can get us a new car and house and everything." Sam whispered in my ear.

I grinned happily. The medical bills were piling up and it was looking pretty bad until now.

I kissed her softly. "Thank you so much for being good at acting babe."

She laughed and then went to play with Liam.

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