Chapter 12

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Sam's P.O.V.

Jordan sounded so broken on the phone. It killed me so much. But what killed me more was my son. The precious little boy that meant everything.

His treatment had gone okay. Liam was scared at first but then he fell asleep and was out for the whole thing. Seeing my son like that though.... That's probably the worst.

I looked up from Liam's sleeping face to see Jordan walk in with two bags. Her knuckles were bruised and bloody but it seemed like she didn't notice.


Her head snapped up and a weak smile appeared. She set the bags down and I carefully approached her.

"Jordan, what happened? Why are your hands like this?" I asked quietly while inspecting her knuckles.

"I think.... I think I broke some stuff, Sam. I'm not completely sure." Jordan replied, hesitant and scared.

I called a nurse to treat her hands and soon they looked much better and were bandaged.

"Jordan look at me."

Her lifeless blue eyes looked up at me with curiosity on her face.


Jordan's P.O.V.

I looked up at Sam, numb.

"What?" I asked.

"Listen, I know this hard. He's my son too. We're all close to each other. I know this is extremely hard. But I promise you, that our son will survive this. You battled cancer and you won. Liam is strong, just like you. He will make it through this but he needs us to be encouraging and supportive. If you go numb on him and shut everyone out, he will think there's something wrong with him and it's his fault. He needs us. He needs you."

"Sam, you're right. I'm sorry. It's just so damn hard! I know how he feels and what it feels like. It's terrible. I just wish I could take it away and he could be healthy again." I murmured back.

Sam walked over to me and pulled me up. She wrapped her safe and steady arms around my waist and pulled me in for a tight, reassuring hug. I pulled away and she kissed my forehead.

"How about we find some treat for him? Make him feel better? He'll be asleep for a while so we've got some time to find him something." She suggested.

I smiled a real smile and nodded at her.


Ugh that wasn't the best.... So comment and vote???? I want some feedback guys! Is this a good book or is it boring? Pleeeeeeease comment and be honest! Love y'all :)

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