Chapter 22

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Well guys, this last book. Is starting to end :( it still has a few more chapters but only 2 major event are left and the second one is the last chapter.. But don't worry, I'll still be writing books :)


Jordan's P.O.V.

Spending the day with One Direction was amazing. All of the boys were amazing to us and I learned that Harry and Louis had finally come out as a couple and they were adorable. (A/N: I am such a Larry shipper omg)

"Well, guys, we have to go get our son soon." Sam announced after hours of talking.

"Aww darn! I've had such an amazing day!" Liam frowned.

"Yeah! We definitely need to exchange numbers and I'll ring you to make plans again, yeah?" Niall said to Sam.

"Of course! We'd love that!" She replied.

I grinned and we all traded numbers.

"It was so amazing meeting you guys. Thank you for everything." I said to them.

"Aw, Jordan! We had a great time! it was our pleasure." Louis reassured her.

We all hugged and said our goodbyes and Sam and I headed to pick Liam up.

"Sam, that was amazing. Thank you, boo. I loved it." I kissed her cheek as she drove and she smiled.

"I knew you would. You finally got to meet Liam Payne. It must've been a dream come true." she teased.

I giggled.


Sam's P.O.V.

We picked up Liam and then headed home. I had really missed our little guy and sleeping in my own bed.

"Alright, buddy. it's 8 o'clock. It's bedtime for everyone. Mommy has to work tomorrow." I said to Liam.

He ran off to get changed and ready for bed and I walked into my room to do the same.


I woke up, refreshed and happy. I was cuddled in Jordan's arms, my face in her neck. I smiled and lightly kissed it before getting up to get ready.

20 minutes later, I was about to head out the door when I heard little footsteps behind me.

"Mommy! I wanna go wif you!" Liam said. He was all dressed and ready and wide awake. I was surprised. I shrugged.

"Eh, why not? Everyone will love you." I said, picking him up and taking him into the car.

"Hang on a sec. I'm gonna tell momma that I've got you so she doesn't worry."

I jogged inside and left a note on the counter before rushing back outside to head to work.

Liam and I had a blast at my work and, as I had assumed, everyone loved him. He even got to be in some of the shots.

After work, we headed straight home. Jordan was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Liam ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Momma! It was so fun!" He told her about his day.

"Wow! Cool buddy!" she smiled at him.

"Jordan, I wanna talk to you." I told her.

Confusion masked her features. "Ok? About what?"

"We need to start planning our wedding. I want to be able to officially call you my wife. I arranged for a wedding planner to come here tomorrow afternoon. Sound good?"

She smiled and nodded. "Perfect."

I kissed her and then went to shower.


Blech. Terrible chapter. But it was just a filler! all the excitement happens next chapter.

Next update will either be tomorrow or Sunday. Probably tomorrow.

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