Chapter 11

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Sam's P.O.V.

When something really dramatic happens, you can't help but think about what life would be like if nothing had changed. With Liam for example. In my head right in this moment, I see him fully grown and happy and healthy.

Suddenly that seems fairly impossible. All because if three words.

"I'm so sorry....." Chase whispered.

Jordan's eyes teared up and she looked at him.

"What is it?" She asked.

"He's got diabetes and stage two lung cancer. We need to start immediate chemotherapy. His first treatment is in about twenty minutes. I'm terribly sorry you guys."

I looked down at my son. His normally bright and beautiful blue eyes were dull. They almost looked grey, they were so filled with sadness. He fully understood exactly what was happening.

"Liam I need you to undress and put this robe on. Okay? And then you'll go to a room and take a nap. Is that sounding good?" Chase asked Liam.

Liam nodded and started to undress and we helped him put the robe on.

"Sam, Jordan it'd be better if you guys stayed here. The treatment is about four hours long so if you wanna go home and grab some things, that would probably be the best." Chase suggested.

"No way. I'm not leaving him. Jordan, you can grab some stuff from home for all of us. Please?" I stated firmly. Jordan simply nodded and walked away, out of the room. She kissed me and Liam and simply left.

"C'mon buddy. Let's go."


Jordan's P.O.V.

My son has cancer. The same kind I had. It hurts to think about. Chemo sucks and now my year old son has to suffer through it.

I drove home, barely paying attention to the roads or anything. Tears flowed down my face nonstop but I held back my sobs.

I got home and grabbed some clothes and makeup for Sam and I. Then I went in to Liam's room to grab him some toys and clothes and his toiletries. I sat down on his bed and grabbed his stuffed penguin. I hugged it tightly to my chest and buried my face into it and a choked sob racked my whole body. I cried for maybe ten minutes before the sadness vanished. It was replaced by anger. Suddenly, I was furious.

I threw the penguin across the room with all of my force. I heard a crash and glass breaking but that didn't faze me one bit. I ran out of his room and into the living room. I saw all of our pictures and punched them all. The broken glass cut my knuckles and I could feel the stinging but I ignored it. I drove my fist through the wall and then crumpled on the ground. I sobbed and sobbed for hours. I heard my phone ring and I finally got up and stopped crying.


"Jordan! I've been worried sick! Liam got done with chemo two hours ago and you weren't here! What took you so long?!" Sam panicked.

I took a deep breath and replied calmly.

"I needed to get it out. The anger. I kinda wrecked the living room. Don't worry, it's an easy fix but I'll take care of it some other time. I'll be there in five minutes."

"Okay. I love you baby. Please come here." She whispered quietly and then the line went dead.

I grabbed everything and left to go back to the hospital. To see Sam and Liam.

And to possibly see my son in terrible condition.

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