Brandon and Lesly

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requested by Magon02L5SOS1D

(this is a long one, sorry xx)

You and your mom were staying at her friends house because there were renovations going on at your house. She said there was a boy the same age as you, sadly you have to sleep in his room. When she knocked on the door, you saw Brandon, your crush

"My mom's in the kitchen" he said. You greeted his mom, Christine and his brothers, Hunter, Aston and Tyler. Brandon kept on giving you nasty looks. You open the camera on your phone to see if you looked okay.

'I look terrible. Chubby cheeks. Ugly braces and freckles. I have a fat stomach and thighs. God, I'm the most imperfect person in the universe. I'm going to spend most of my time here in bed on my phone, or should I hang out with Poppy and Jenna?' You wondered, but you realized they were both on vacation for the summer. 

'Maybe I should just escape from this town and live in Cali' you thought

'Nahh I'll just stay here and not sleep because you shouldn't sleep in your fandom because you can never know when these idiots might just randomly release a new song because they ruined your life but you love them sosososososo much' you thought

--- at 7:00 pm that night ---

You took out you guitar and started strumming the chords
You started to sing 'Amnesia', even though you were the worst singer ever.
When you finished, you put the guitar away and went on Twitter
You got tired and went to sleep

--- The next morning ---

You went on twitter and saw that they released a new album out of nowhere. Ironic
You listened to it the whole day and memorized the lyrics

--- That night ---

Christine and your mom went downstairs

"No wonder your so fat. You do nothing all day" Brandon said

Your eyes starting to sting with tears. You got up and ran into the corner of the backyard and sat on the grass. You took out your razer and just started at it. You have never self-harmed but there were many times when you were close. You cut your wrist
You thought of other reasons

When you were done, you listened to music

"That's what I like about you
You hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one
Wanna come over tonight
Keep on whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things that I wanna hear
'Cause it's true, that's what I like about you"

It made you feel stronger. You went back inside, forgetting about your bloody wrist, and quietly walking to the bathroom. You washed your fave and wrist.

You cried at night, letting the tears flow with a sound or anything coming out of you mouth. Brandon was on his bed. You heard him whimpering and saying 'no' repetitively.He was having a nightmare.

You sat up and wiped you eyes. You walked over to him and shook him
"Brandon, wake up" 

He woke up. Tears streaming down his face. 

"It was just a dream" you said sitting on the edge of his bed
"Get of my bed, I never said you could come on" He said coldly

He raised his hand like he was going to hit you

~ flashback ~

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