Bryce and Lexi

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requested by idigonedirection
// contains smut

Lexi's POV
I'm at the airport, joined with a few fans, waiting for Bryce to fly back in from Vidcon. Bryce and I have been dating for almost a year now and I can honestly see myself with him in the future.

After waiting around for Bryce and a response from multiple texts I have left him, I feel a pair of masculine arms wrap around my waist and I immediately turn around to see the love of my life with the biggest smile on his face.

He pulls me into his chest and I hug him so tight, I can feel his heart beating against mine. I pull away from the hug and he cups his hands around my face, planting a wet kiss on my lips which makes me blush. "I missed you baby," I hear him whisper.

After Bryce takes photos with a few of his fans, he grabs my hand and we wait patiently out the front for the uber to arrive.

When we arrive home my mom leaves $30 on the counter for us to order a pizza. Bryce and I go up to my room and shut the door.

He pushes me up against the wall, "What are you doing?" I giggle. "Nothing, baby girl." He smirks, and I blush at the fact that he knows baby girl makes me feel some type of way. Bryce begins by smashing his lips against mine, licking my bottom lip for entrance, and I let him. He grabs onto my butt making a moan slip from my mouth, he then smirks and pushes me onto my bed.

I tug at the bottom of Bryce's shirt and pull it off of his body, and he does the same to me, then pulls my pants off. As his fingers drag over my skin, my chest rises up until my breath hitches in my throat. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me just so I could feel him against my body. I felt his soft hair brush over my face and the rise and fall of his chest against mine as he moves his hand up my torso and reaches behind me to unhook my bra.

Our bare chests pressing together was a new sensation to me. The warmth radiating off of his body was right against mine and seemed to make my head warm, fuzzy and deliriously filled with only thoughts about him. It was if I couldn't be aware of anything else in the world except him. "I'm going to be gentle with you, okay?" He says gently stroking his fingers over my panties. I nodded, biting my finger as I slightly moaned.

My whole body was trembling with anticipation as he continued to press his fingers up and down my clothed area, making me shake from his touch, "You're getting really wet." He commented as I squeezed my eyes shut from embarrassment. He leaned forward again, hooking his fingers into the band of my underwear. He slowly pulled them down my legs before taking his sweatpants off and returning to the space between my thighs. My chest quivered with a shaky breath as he leaned forward, dropping slow and gentle kisses down the insides of my thighs, letting his shaggy hair brush over my skin. He finally reached what he wanted to with his lips moving over my heat.

"I'm gonna move now," the says as I closed my eyes once again, to prepare myself. He slid out slowly before sliding back in at the same speed. He did it a few more times, never getting harder or passionate, so I peeked at him. His face was taunt, he looked down at me completely focused, "Are you okay?" I ask, and he grunted, "You're tight." He says in a strained voice, "You can be more rough. It doesn't hurt anymore." I say and he nods. He slid out slow, but this time thrusting back into me. My hips buck up and I moan, since somehow that felt much better than the slow movement he had been doing before. After a bit, Bryce grabs my hips, moving me and I groaned as he hit my g-spot. He leans forward, almost as if he was laying on top of me, forcefully bringing our lips together with desperation. I couldn't help but get caught up in his rhythm. I kissed him back, wrapping my legs and arms around him, bringing us even more closer. He got faster and the feeling of him ramming into me was more electrifying than I had expected.

Both of us were groaning into each others mouths with each thrust, our bodies moving with each one on the bed. As he steadily got faster and harder, he lifts his hand up to squeeze my breast. I moan, gripping tight onto the sheets and tugging his hair in my other hand. That was enough for me to begin to feel my muscles tightening as my orgasm began to form in my stomach. He pulled away from my lips, harshly kissing my neck as I buried my face into his to keep from being too loud.

"Come on baby.." He grunted. Apparently that was it as the second after the words left his mouth, I felt my muscles release with my climax. Another second later I felt him release into the condom. A short while later I was laying on Bryce's chest starting to doze off when he spoke, "Hey, that wasn't too rough was it?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair. "No, it wasn't." I said with a sigh.
I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

--- 2 days after ---
Today is August 14th, Bryce's birthday. He planned the whole day out for us, which was sweet of him but it's a secret which is different, since it's his birthday. I got dressed and texted him saying that I was ready, so he could pick me up.

Half an our later, I heard a car horn outside. I grabbed my wallet and his present before I left the house. "Hey," I said getting into the car, kissing his cheek and handing over his present, "Happy birthday baby." He smiles and takes the bag from my hand, "Thank you so much, I'll open it soon." He says and drives off.

Bryce pulls into a familiar car park, the cinemas. We go inside and wait inline for food, I assume he already has tickets. "Uh, do you mind waiting here, while I go to the bathroom?" He asks, seeming somewhat nervous. "Not at all." I smile and he runs off to the bathroom. I wait inline for a little longer and order popcorn and a drink. I struggle carrying both of them but I make it, setting it down on a table just near the bathrooms. I scroll through twitter and look up.

It's Bryce.. with another girl.

"Why are you here with her?" She says. They haven't noticed me yet. "Because it's my birthday and she is my girlfriend," He says, "Look, I have to go but I'll see you tonight okay?" He bends down and kisses her then walks off towards me. He looks up and sees me standing there, he knows he has messed up.

"Lexi! wait." He says as you start to walk away, "It's not what it looks like." You storm through the cinema and turn to him, with you eyes full of tears, "It's exactly what it looks like," He grabs your arm but you tug it back, "Oh, and we're over.. Happy Birthday!" You say and storm out of the cinema.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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